Selaus tekijän mukaan kokoelmassa "Gaunt, Helena"
Ensemble practices in the arts : A reflective matrix to enhance team work and collaborative learning in higher education
Gaunt, Helena; Treacy, Danielle (SAGE, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliEnsemble practices have been essential to the performing and visual fine arts over centuries. The skills of working in ensembles, including team work and collaborative learning, are increasingly understood to be critical ... -
Musical engagement in one-to-one contexts
Gaunt, Helena; López-Íñiguez, Guadalupe; Creech, Andrea (Routledge, 2021)
kirjan osaThis chapter examines evidence from the research on one-to-one learning and teaching contexts. We conceptualise one-to-one vocal and instrumental teaching as an informal professional discipline that may vary across contexts ... -
Promoting interconnections between reflective practice and collective creativity in higher arts education : the potential of engaging with a reflective matrix
Treacy, Danielle; Gaunt, Helena (Taylor & Francis, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliReflective practice has long been understood to be integral to the arts, but has predominantly been conceptualised in terms of tacit or individual activity. Identifying the need to reimagine and deepen reflective practice ...