Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa "Choreography."
Viitteet 1-19 / 19
Ality : inhabiting the virtual through choreographic practice and research
opinnäyte (maisteri)In relation to the traditional expression of the term choreography, the formulation of movement appears to be something that the choreographer as an activating agent sets into motion. In this thesis, I will illustrate a ... -
Appearing choreography : performing perception
opinnäyte (maisteri)In this written part of my thesis work I will trace how perception includes both political and existential aspects for me. I am interested in the wide spectrum of perception, and how this multiplicity is framed by different ... -
Choreographed by situation : self-organizing choreography and the dancer’s agencement
Acta Scenica : 61 (Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2022)
opinnäyte (tohtori)There are many ways to approach self-organizing or improvised choreography. In this artistic research the choreography is approached as a self-organizing system and investigated for the requirements that this kind of ... -
Choreographing in nomadic traces
opinnäyte (maisteri)This written part of my final theses work focuses on my own choreographic work through a nomadic framing. I go through methodologies and principles in choreographing, that bring us closer to a question of non-identification, ... -
Choreography and feeling : in alternative relativity
opinnäyte (maisteri)This paper explores findings of connectivity and feeling relating to my latest artistic process Dry storm in Theateracademy of Helsinki. It sheds light on experiencing relative sensing of time and space through body’s ... -
Choreography as reading practice
Acta Scenica : 56 (2019)
opinnäyte (tohtori)My doctoral artistic research project (2013-2019) examines choreography as reading practice. In the research, the notion of choreography operates simultaneously as an analytical device, problem to be examined, and an ... -
Composition and choreography : critical reflections on perception, body and temporality
Acta Scenica : 55 (2018)
opinnäyte (tohtori)Seeing as an active endeavour for the choreographer Jana Unmüssig's doctoral research examines studio-based choreographic composition practice that focuses on seeing and visuality from the perspective of the choreograph ... -
Considering the ontological premises for tools in artists’ education - on poiesis and composition
lehtiartikkeliArtikkeli käsittelee ‘työkalujen’ ongelmallisuutta taiteilijan koulutuksessa, erityisesti MA tason koreografian opetuksessa. Aihe on osoittautunut oleellisen tärkeäksi moninaisten ja heterogeenisten esteettisten tavoitteiden ... -
Critical Silence : The Unseemly Games of Love in Jeux (1913)
lehtiartikkeliFollowing my article on Vaslav Nijinsky's L' Aprè s-midi d' un Faune (1912), I turn my attention to Jeux, the first of Nijinsky's two choreographies for the 1913 season of the Ballets Russes. Made to a commissioned score ... -
Dancing without Space – On Nijinsky's L'Après-midi d'un Faune (1912)
lehtiartikkeliThree-dimensional theatrical space is often taken for granted as a precondition of dance. Already in 1912, the choreographer Vaslav Nijinsky provoked much discussion with a work that seemingly turned the performance into ... -
Docudancing griefscapes : choreographic strategies for embodying traumatic contexts in the trilogy of Life & Death
Acta Scenica : 44 (2015)
opinnäyte (tohtori) -
Frameworks : subjects to change
opinnäyte (maisteri)This written thesis is an analysis of my artistic thesis work provide from 2017. The thesis outlines a multiplicity of frameworks included in the making of provide and situates those frameworks into wider discourses. In ... -
"Great Horizons Flooded with the Alien Light of the Sun" : Le Sacre du Printemps in the Russian context
lehtiartikkeliEven a century after the premiere of Le Sacre du Printemps, Russian contemporary sources offer a wealth of material on the Ballets Russes and particularly on Nijinsky's 1913 choreography that are rarely read and never ... -
_hey t—here – observations with-in a social choreography initiative Urban Anatomies Teleport
opinnäyte (maisteri)This written thesis follows processes where social questions yield artistic practices, that I call tools. In addition to this document being a thesis, this is a journal, and an open access archive, and a toolkit. I have ... -
Poetic translations : moving between poetry and dance
opinnäyte (maisteri)In this written part of my master's thesis, I explore the connections between poetic writing and dance from a performer's perspective. My own poems act as introductions to the chapters and become a kind of poetic through ... -
Practicing composition : making practice : texts, dialogues and documents 2011-2013
Kinesis : 6 (2015)
kirjaThis collection of texts reflects some of the different discourses, practices and approaches explored by the participants of the Erasmus Intensive Project (IP) Practicing Composition: Making Practice initiated and coordinated ... -
Reflections on improvisation, choreography and risk-taking in advanced capitalism
Kinesis : 8 (2017)
kirja -
Researching (in/as) motion : a resource collection : artistic doctorates in Europe
Midgelow, Vida L (toim.); Bacon, Jane (toim.); Kramer, Paula (toim.); Hilton, Rebecca (toim.)
Nivel : 10 (2019)
verkkosivusto -
Who are you?
Nivel : 1 (2014)