Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa "Ecology."

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    • A slight bend of the forearm 

      Bisset, Christiana (2019)
      opinnäyte (maisteri)
      The contested practice of dowsing is a technique for searching for underground water, minerals, ley lines, or anything invisible, by observing the motion of a pointer. Throughout this process of artistic research, I have ...
    • Ality : inhabiting the virtual through choreographic practice and research 

      Larsen, Ida-Elisabeth S. (2020)
      opinnäyte (maisteri)
      In relation to the traditional expression of the term choreography, the formulation of movement appears to be something that the choreographer as an activating agent sets into motion. In this thesis, I will illustrate a ...
    • Eco noir : a companion for precarious times 

      Annette Arlander, Mika Elo, Jack Faber, Kalle Hamm, Ido Hartogsohn, Lea Kantonen, Marte Kissling, Guy Königstein, Mohamed Sleiman Labat, Nir Nadler, Pekka Niskanen, Daniel Peltz, Naomi Rolef, Anna Shraer, Siiri Siltala, Amir Vudka, Yvette Watt.
      Faber, Jack (toim.); Shraer, Anna (toim.) (The Academy of Fine Arts at the University of the Arts Helsinki, 2020)
      Featuring original artworks and writings of 34 prominent artists and researchers, ‘Eco Noir: A Companion for Precarious Times’ is a textual and visual collaborative exploration of interspecies relations in time of crisis. ...
    • Environment, Data, Contamination 

      Bhowmik, Samir (toim.); Parikka, Jussi (toim.)
      Taideteoreettisia kirjoituksia Kuvataideakatemiasta : 17 (Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 2023)
      How do we sense our surroundings? How does artistic research foster novel environmental sensibilities? This book gathers essays on artistic methods and ecological thinking developed as part of the Environment, Data, and ...
    • How to stay together : looking for sustainable practices in the frame of working groups in performing arts 

      Laurilehto, Riikka (2019)
      opinnäyte (maisteri)
      In the written part of my thesis, I am looking into how sustainability thinking should be reformulated in feminist, post-humanist ontological terms, and how this renewed sustainability thinking could inform the working ...
    • Landing : a textual garden 

      Etkin, Shelley (2019)
      opinnäyte (maisteri)
      This text proposes various orientations towards a body of artistic research on the praxis of landing. Landing explores practices of mutual communicative exchange with land. The guiding curiosity in this practice is to shift ...
    • Performing and thinking with trees 

      Arlander, Annette
      Taideteoreettisia kirjoituksia Kuvataideakatemiasta : 15 (Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 2022)
      How to collaborate with other beings we share this planet with is a central task for artists today. The starting point for these texts was the realization that we must find ways of relating to the environment that are ...
    • Sustainable choices : potentials and practices in performance design 

      Humalisto, Tomi (toim.); Kilpeläinen, Raisa (toim.)
      Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja : 77 (Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2023)
      This volume aims to highlight ecologically more sustainable practices and thinking that have emerged from various projects in performance design and pedagogical work in the field. The examples reveal ideas and thoughts ...
    • The Third World Ecology Trilogy : postcoloniality, embodiment and ecology 

      Khalil, Rania Lee
      Acta Scenica : 63 (Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2024)
      opinnäyte (tohtori)
      The Third World Ecology Trilogy on Rania Lee Khalilin liikkuvan kuvan esitys ja taiteellinen tutkimushanke, jossa tutkitaan kolonialismin haittoja lajien välisissä elinympäristöissä Palestiinassa, egyptiläisessä Siinaissa ...