Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa "Performing arts."
Viitteet 1-19 / 19
360 degrees : focus on lighting design
Humalisto, Tomi (toim.); Karjunen, Kimmo (toim.); Kilpeläinen, Raisa (toim.)
Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja : 70 (2019)
kirjaThe Theatre Academy Helsinki began teaching lighting design in 1986. Since that time, instruction in the degree programme has focused on artistic and technical competence in its mission of helping students form an ... -
Artistic research in action : proceedings of CARPA 2 - colloquium on artistic research in performing arts
Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja : 42 (2011)
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Artistic research performs and transforms : bridging practices, contexts, traditions & futures : proceedings of Carpa6
Rouhiainen, Leena (toim.)
Nivel : 13 (2020)
konferenssiobjektiThe proceedings documents the contents of several of the presentations held at the Artistic Research Performs and Transforms: Bridging Practices, Contexts, Traditions & Futures CARPA6 international conference at Kiasma ... -
Becoming juniper : performing landscape as artistic research
Nivel : 5 (2015)
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But as I fall asleep at night and slowly emerge to waking life in the morning, I think about how I will navigate
Nivel : 18 (Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2022)
kirjaA conversation between Juli Reinartz, Liz Rosenfeld, and Tanja Erhart in the frame of Juli’s research project “Choreographic strategies of disorientation” at the Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki. Welcome to this text ... -
Converging perspectives : writings on performance art
Episodi : 3 (2011)
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Esseitä performanssista ja esitystaiteesta — Essays on Live Art and performance art
Episodi : 2 (2009)
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How to stay together : looking for sustainable practices in the frame of working groups in performing arts
opinnäyte (maisteri)In the written part of my thesis, I am looking into how sustainability thinking should be reformulated in feminist, post-humanist ontological terms, and how this renewed sustainability thinking could inform the working ... -
Performing and thinking with trees
Taideteoreettisia kirjoituksia Kuvataideakatemiasta : 15 (Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 2022)
kirjaHow to collaborate with other beings we share this planet with is a central task for artists today. The starting point for these texts was the realization that we must find ways of relating to the environment that are ... -
Performing landscape : live and alive
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Performing landscape : notes on site-specific work and artistic research (texts 2001-2011)
Acta Scenica : 28 (2012)
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Performing time through place
(DREX Project, Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre Univ Tampere, 2012)
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Perilous experience? : extending experience through artistic research : proceedings of Carpa5
Nivel : 9 (2018)
konferenssiobjektiThis proceedings documents the contents of several of the presentations held at the Perilous Experience? – Extending Experience Through Artistic Research CARPA 5 conference that was held between 31 August and 2 September ... -
Poetics of form
Nivel : 8 (2017)
verkkosivustoHow do form and sense come to play in artistic research? How to approach writing in a way that reflects and benefits the processes of artistic research? How does research become artistic and artistic practice become research? ... -
Propositions for unfinished thinking : the research score as a medium of artistic research
Acta Scenica : 59 (2020)
opinnäyte (tohtori)Tässä kirjallisessa työssä esitellään kirjoittajan väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset ja tutkimusprosessin kulku, ja se toimii samalla tohtorintutkinnon tutkintovaatimusten viimeisenä, kirjallisena osana – kommentaarina. ... -
Solvitur Ambulando "solved by moving" : dramaturgies of artistic research : proceedings of CARPA8
Parviainen, Pessi (toim.); Rouhiainen, Leena (toim.)
Nivel : 21 (Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2024)
konferenssiobjektiThe Colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts CARPA8 took place at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki between August 24–26, 2023. This time the conference focused on the dramaturgies of ... -
Sustainable choices : potentials and practices in performance design
Humalisto, Tomi (toim.); Kilpeläinen, Raisa (toim.)
Teatterikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja : 77 (Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 2023)
kirjaThis volume aims to highlight ecologically more sustainable practices and thinking that have emerged from various projects in performance design and pedagogical work in the field. The examples reveal ideas and thoughts ... -
The impact of performance as research : proceedings of Carpa3 - colloquium on artistic research in performing arts
Nivel : 2 (2014)