Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa "forskning"
Viitteet 1-5 / 5
Dance images in temples of Mainland Southern Asia
Acta Scenica : 20 (2008)
opinnäyte (tohtori) -
Do larger departments lead to better research? The correlation between disciplinary community size and quality of publications in seven scientific disciplines in Finland
(Tampereen yliopisto, Johtamiskorkeakoulu, 2017)
kirjan osa -
Esseitä performanssista ja esitystaiteesta — Essays on Live Art and performance art
Episodi : 2 (2009)
kirja -
Poetics of form
Nivel : 8 (2017)
verkkosivustoHow do form and sense come to play in artistic research? How to approach writing in a way that reflects and benefits the processes of artistic research? How does research become artistic and artistic practice become research? ... -
Tarinat teatterin taiteellisessa prosessissa
Acta Scenica : 21 (2008)
opinnäyte (tohtori)