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Proposition for the Eventual Mights of Teaching Choreography: Choreography Pedagogy in the Context of MA Choreography Studies
This artistic research article discusses choreography pedagogy in the context of MA choreography studies in respect to expanded choreography and artistic research pedagogy. Both frameworks are means to carve out ponderings ...
Drawn into Dancing and Danced into Drawing: Exploring Deleuze’s Lines of Flight through Dancing–Drawing Approaches in Early Childhood Dance Pedagogies
This article explores Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) notion of ‘lines of flight’ as a philosophical concept and a phenomenon in dance pedagogical learning events by focusing on approaches combining dancing and drawing in ...
Becoming Foreign to Oneself : Embodied Encounters with Patients’ Written Memories of Mental Hospitals
This article focuses on the ways in which an artist-researcher has encountered an extensive archive comprising Finnish individuals’ written memories of mental hospitals through a corporeal approach. The process of reading ...
On the Embedded Embodiment of Dancers in Language-based Site-specific Choreography
This keynote presentation, held at the 16th Nordic Forum for Dance Research (NOFOD) conference, scrutinises how two cases of progressive forms of site-specific and language-based choreographic practices by performing dancers ...