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A lifespan perspective on multi-professional musicians : does music education prepare classical musicians for their careers?
Many professional musicians would describe their careers as somewhat different to the careers they imagined when they were students. This study sought to understand the relationships between musicians’ higher music education ...
Digging Dalcroze, or, Dissolving the Mind‐Body Dualism : Philosophical and practical remarks on the musical body in action
David J. Elliott ( Music Matters. A New Philosophy of Music Education , Oxford University Press, 1995) has recently posed the view that musical understanding is to be equated with musicianship. This epistemological turn ...
National assessment meets teacher autonomy : national assessment of learning outcomes in music in Finnish basic education
In Finland, teachers’ have extensive autonomy, that is freedom from control by others over their professional actions in the classroom, and it is considered a strength of Finnish education. At the same time, national ...
Music students’ experienced workload, livelihoods and stress in higher education in Finland and the United Kingdom
Neoliberal education policies – viewing students’ life as human capital, economic investment for the labour market and consumer power – may increase students’ workload in higher education. In this mixed methods study, we ...
Envisioning imaginary spaces for musicking : equipping students for leaping into the unexplored
In this article, we argue that music teachers working in a fast-changing society could focus on envisioning their students' imaginary spaces for engaging with music and equipping them for leaping into what for the students ...