Viitteet 1-10 / 14
Music learning in Costa Rica : a postcolonial institutional ethnography
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The purpose of this sociological, music education ethnography was to analyze how music learning is organized in postcolonial Costa Rica, through the experiential stance of nine young music educators. In the ontology of ...
Musikerröster i Betsy Jolas musik : dialoger och spelerfarenheter i analys
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I den här avhandlingen gör jag "musikerns analys" (performer's analysis) av fyra av Betsy Jolas (1926–) soloverk: pianoverken Signets. Hommage à Ravel (1987) Mon ami. Ariette variée à chanter-jouer pour pianiste femme ou ...
Musiikkiesitykset ja juhlat koulun toimintakulttuurin rakentajina
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In this ethnographic case study, musical performances and school celebrations are considered as part of the operational culture and educational task of schooling. Through analysing the meanings and purposes connected to ...
Laulun mahti ja sivistynyt kansalainen : Musiikki ja kansanvalistus Etelä-Pohjanmaalla 1860-luvulta suurlakkoon
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The aim of the study is to find out what kind of impact the mass organization that begun in the mid-19th century had on the prevalent musical culture in Southern Ostrobothnia. Active popular education and the rise of the ...
Navigating (un)popular music in the classroom : censure and censorship in an inclusive, democratic music education
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Popular music has often been promoted as an accessible, readily intelligible, engaging, authentic medium for young music students. Including a variety of popular musics in school lessons has also been regarded as a more ...
Perceptual learning style as an influence on the practising of instrument students in higher music education
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This thesis reports an investigation of the applicability of the theory of perceptual learning style to the practising of Western Classical instrument students in higher music education. Perceptual learning style claims ...
Kuuntelukasvatus suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa : kohti yhteisöllistä äänellistä toimijuutta
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Kankkunen, Olli-Taavetti 2018. Kuuntelukasvatus suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa - kohti yhteisöllistä äänellistä toimijuutta. Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, Helsinki. Väitöskirja. 254 sivua.
Tämän kasvatuksen alaan ...
Developing expertise of popular music and jazz vocal pedagogy through professional conversations : a collaborative project among teachers in higher music education in the Nordic countries
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Tämä väitöskirja tutkii populaarimusiikin ja jazzin laulupedagogiikkaa Pohjoismaisissa korkeakouluissa. Pohjoismaat ovat sisällyttäneet populaarimusiikin ja jazzin opetuksen lähes kaikille koulutusasteille ja -muodoille ...
The (im)possibility of inclusion : reimagining the potentials of democratic inclusion in and through activist music education
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This dissertation examines inclusion as an ambiguous concept and practice within the context of music education in Finland. The general ethos of inclusive education aims to ensure equal opportunities for all students. ...
The challengers of public cultural centres : a mixed method study on private cultural centres in Finland
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Institutional theory has undergone major development in recent decades, while resource dependence theory has remained essentially unchanged since its inception in 1978. This study examines the associations of these two ...