Viitteet 1-10 / 59
Choreographed by situation : self-organizing choreography and the dancer’s agencement
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There are many ways to approach self-organizing or improvised choreography. In this artistic research the choreography is approached as a self-organizing system and investigated for the requirements that this kind of ...
The Third World Ecology Trilogy : postcoloniality, embodiment and ecology
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The Third World Ecology Trilogy on Rania Lee Khalilin liikkuvan kuvan esitys ja taiteellinen tutkimushanke, jossa tutkitaan kolonialismin haittoja lajien välisissä elinympäristöissä Palestiinassa, egyptiläisessä Siinaissa ...
How to do things with artistic research : Animal Years revisited
In How to Do Things with Artistic Research – Revisiting Animal Years Annette Arlander presents her method of revisiting by returning to a series of video works named after the Chinese calendar, created in the years 2002-2014 ...
Esitys tilana
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Ways of knowing in dance and art
Koin traagisia tragedioita : yläasteen oppilaiden kokemuksia ilmaisutaidon opiskelusta
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Creating and re-creating dance : performing dances related to Ausdruckstanz
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Tarinat teatterin taiteellisessa prosessissa
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