Viitteet 91-100 / 147
Choreography as reading practice
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My doctoral artistic research project (2013-2019) examines choreography as reading practice.
In the research, the notion of choreography operates simultaneously as an analytical device, problem to be examined, and an ...
Reacclimating the stage (skenomorphoses) : an ecotonal doctoral piece in 40 scènes, 15 parergonal writings and 5 double-postcards
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From the perspective of mise-en-scène (staging), and correlatively that of the place and the practice of the metteur-en-scène (theatre director), this artistic research project addresses, examines and experiments on the ...
Muutoksen tilassa : Alexander-tekniikka koreografisen prosessin osana
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The techniques of gesture language : a theory of practice
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Music students’ experiences of workload, stress, and coping in higher education
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Over the past decades, the practices and policies of higher music education have been shaped by the rapid global changes affecting curricula, pedagogies, and students’ employability. At the same time, the rates of psychological ...
Orkesterimuusikoiden työnohjaus : luova potentiaali yhteisöllisyyden rakentamisen ja yksilöllisyyden kunnioittamisen risteyskohdassa
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Tässä hankkeessa on tutkittu orkesterimuusikoiden työhyvinvointia sekä kehitetty
orkesterimuusikoille soveltuva työnohjausmetodi haastattelu- ja toimintatutkimuksen keinoin. Orkesterityön erityiskysymykset eivät välttämättä ...
Aulikki Rautawaaran konserttiura Sibeliuksen laulujen esittäjänä 1927–1957
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Musiikin esittämisen tutkimus on lisääntynyt viime vuosikymmeninä osana musiikin kulttuurihistoriaan virinnyttä kiinnostusta. Laulajiin kohdistuva tutkimus on kuitenkin keskittynyt oopperamaailmaan. Tämä väitöstutkimus ...
Elements of electroacoustic music improvisation and performance
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The core application of my research project is a pedagogical package or toolkit for studying and teaching electroacoustic music performance and improvisation. The package consists of a series of units, each of which ...
Internationalization of Arts Universities : Towards Social Sustainability
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
This doctoral dissertation on the internationalization of arts universities draws
on the idea that arts and culture can be used as a mediator in advancing social
sustainability. The aim is to understand how and to what ...
Democracy through pop? : thinking with intersectionality in popular music education in finnish schools
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This article-based doctoral dissertation is an inquiry into the conditions required for democractic popular music education (PME) in Finnish basic education. Although critical research on PME in Finland has recently ...