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Will Denial Make DSM’s Validity Problem Go Away? A Reply to Pies and Ruffalo
This article is a response to the article “Psychiatric Diagnoses Point to Real Conditions That Cause Debilitating Symptoms” by Ronald W. Pies, MD, and Mark L. Ruffalo, MSW, DPsa.
Suomalainen kirkkokonsertti 1850–1917 ja keskieurooppalaiset asetelmat : näkökulma Suomen musiikkikulttuurin muotoutumiseen ja katsaus esitettyyn urkuohjelmistoon
Kirkkokonsertit eli hengelliset konsertit olivat tärkeä osa suomalaisen musiikkielämän rakentumista Suomen autonomian aikana. Miten vuosina 1850–1917 esitetty urkuohjelmisto poikkeaa nykypäivän konserttiohjelmistosta, ja ...
What helps jazz musicians name tunes from harmony?
Research has shown that musical training is associated with a greater ability to aurally connect chord progressions to specific pieces of music. However, it is unclear what specific aspects of musical training contribute ...
On Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Semiotic Inquiry of Music
This article juxtaposes the subjective and the objective in the study of musical signification. It makes an attempt at a vicious core problem of notions that are general in their essence and prevalence. The interest is ...
Longing for the Tonic in Robert Schumann’s ‘Meine Rose’ Op. 90 No. 2 and Fantasiestück Op. 73 No. 1
This article studies two late works by Schumann: the Lied ‘Meine Rose’, Op. 90 No. 2 (1850), and the Fantasiestück, Op. 73 No. 1, for clarinet and piano (1849). It analyses the works in the light of nineteenth-century ...
Katsojan paikka teatteritilassa
Tässä artikkelissa käsittelen esitystilaa katsomiskokemuksen rakentamisen välineenä suomalaisen teatterin lähihistoriasta ottamieni esimerkkien kautta. Esityskohtaisten skenografisten ratkaisujen sijasta tarkastelen ...
Eliitin taidemuodosta kaiken kansan taiteeksi? : Vernakularisaation politiikka 1970-luvun suomalaisessa karvalakkioopperassa
In this article, I have examined the Finnish so called fur cap opera of the 1970s and the political and social factors that influenced its development. With the help of the concept of vernacularization, I have shown the ...
Tärähdyttävät sankarit New Yorkin maailmannäyttelyssä 1939 : Mieskuoro Finlandia Suomen maakuvan viestijänä
At the opening of the Finnish section of the New York World’s Fair on May 4, 1939, the Finlandia Male Chorus performed; the choir had been founded especially for the trip to North America, and in particular for performing ...
Professional entanglements : A qualitative systematic review of healthcare musicians’ work in somatic hospital wards
Introduction: The purpose of this review is to explore research literature beyond music therapy and music medicine studies that addresses healthcare musicians’ work in hospitals. Music-related and intersectoral collaboration ...
Middle-class music making? Social class, “race,” and their intersections in the practice of school popular music
This article explores how social class, “race,” and their intersections manifest in Finnish popular music education (PME) through an exploration of popular music practices in one upper elementary music classroom where I ...