Viitteet 231-240 / 252
Contemporary clarinet repertoire from Finland and the United States : new ways of artistic expression and a study of sociocultural differences
This doctoral research project examined artistic and sociocultural aspects of Finnish and American contemporary music performance practice in repertoire for clarinet. The main themes that emerged from this research were ...
Ellen Urho’s Vision : Reforming Music Teacher Education in Finland and Shaping Global Music Education through ISME
In this paper, I will discuss the renewal of the music teacher education programme at the Sibelius Academy in the 1970s, focusing on the changes and developments driven by Professor Ellen Urho (1920–2018). My primary source ...
Kirjoittamalla solidaarisuutta akateemiseen maailmaan : Joana Pais Zozimo, Kate Sotejeff-Wilson ja Wendy Baldwin (toim.) (2023) Women Writing Socially in Academia. Dispatches from Writing Rooms [kirja-arvio]
Humanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tutkimuskirjoittaminen näyttäytyy usein yksinäisenä puurtamisena. Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen ei kuitenkaan tarvitse olla yksinäistä. Joana Pais Zozimon, Kate Sotejeff-Wilsonin ja Wendy ...
Nordic Influences in Violin Sonatas by Edvard Grieg, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Jean Sibelius, and Christian Sinding
Denna artikel utforskar hur musikaliska element som associerats med Norden framträder i violinsonater av Edvard Grieg, Wilhelm Stenhammar, Jean Sibelius och Christian Sinding. Nordisk musik under det långa 1800-talet ...
Gullevašvuohta – luohti pohjoissaamenkielisen saamelaisyhteisön kulttuuriperintönä
(Sámegielat čohkkaigeassu suomagielat čohkkaigeasu maŋŋel.)
Artikkeli avaa polkua, jonka olen kulkenut luohtiin syventyessäni sekä musiikillisesti että avartaessani itselleni luohtin merkitystä saamelaisessa elämässä. ...
Teachers’ expanding roles and tasks : Integrating embodied and arts-based language pedagogies in physical education for cultural and linguistic awareness
Developing linguistically and culturally aware pedagogies is essential in increasingly diverse countries, such as Finland, thus needing more attention in teachers’ preservice education. This article focuses on physical ...
Body as classroom : Movement-based performing arts as an approach to embodied transformative learning in a secondary school classroom
The present article explores how movement-based performing arts lessons focusing on bodily imagination may expand secondary school pupils’ learning experiences. The study centers on the learning experiences and emotions ...
What’s art got to do with it? : Contemplations on art, language, and embodiment
This article focuses on the meaning of art in embodied language learning. It tackles questions about how art works, what art is good for or—as the heading states— What's art got to do with it? The connection between ...
Pondering with Örö Pines : Talking with Trees as an Undisciplinary Method
This text presents talking with trees as a method of generating material for artistic and other research purposes based on conversations with pine trees recorded in May 2022 on Örö Island in southwestern Finland. Addressing ...
Notational actants : new musical approaches through the material score
This exposition brings together a collection of images, thoughts, and descriptions of the initial stages of a doctoral research project that explores the concept of 'notational actants': materially-focused, 3-dimensional ...