Viitteet 241-250 / 252
Correlating Symbolisms of Womanhood and Marriage in the Libretti of Schoenberg's Von heute auf morgen and Berg's Lulu
Von heute auf morgen and Lulu, the twelve-tone operas of Arnold Schoenberg and Alban Berg, respectively, can be interpreted as works that sought to uphold a traditional formalism of Germanic opera construction amidst the ...
Radio ja Sibelius : Rajoja ylittävä mediasuhde vuosina 1926–1957
Suomen kuuluisin taidemusiikin säveltäjä Jean Sibelius (1865–1957) lopetti aktiivisen säveltämisen 1920-luvun lopulla. Samoihin aikoihin radiolähetykset yleistyivät Euroopassa. Suomessa alan keskeinen toimija oli vuonna ...
Aesthetic Contrasts and Symbolic Correlations between Alban Berg and Erwin Schulhoff in their Letters and Opera Narratives
A selection of the correspondence between composers Alban Berg and Erwin Schulhoff is translated and analysed for the first time in English in this study. The aim is to demonstrate the opposing views these two contemporaries ...
Representations of Metaphysical Temporality in the Libretto of Einojuhani Rautavaara's Vincent with a Corresponding Resemblance to Alban Berg's Wozzeck
In his early serialist composition style, Einojuhani Rautavaara expressed indebtedness to the flexible usage of the twelve-tone system that was adapted by Alban Berg. The trace of Berg's influence becomes dramaturgically ...
Multiliteracies in the Making – Multidisciplinary Conceptualization
This article focuses on the concept of multiliteracies from a multidisciplinary point of view. By analyzing texts that were created to discuss differing research foci and relationships with the concept, a nonhierarchical ...
“Leading” as a mode of interaction and communication in contemporary music performance-practice
In this paper, I discuss “leading” in the performance-practice of contemporary music. First, I take a brief view on the development of music from the second half of the 20th century until today to highlight some of the ...
The Fallacy of Autonomous AI
In the mainstream media, concerns are voiced about the potency of AI as a threat to humanity. Some of the academic literature that gives credence to that threat, does so in reference to posthumanism, where we find, besides ...
Book Review: Science Fiction Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Transnational Futures, Cosmopolitan Concerns
Book review: Gómez-Muñoz, Pablo. Science Fiction Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Transnational Futures, Cosmopolitan Concerns. Routledge, 2023. ISBN: 9780367759063.
Strategies for making artistic research public: a case study of the Uniarts Helsinki Research Pavilion project
This article presents and discusses the Uniarts Helsinki Research Pavilion project, a biennial platform for developing public outreach of artistic research. Launched in 2015, the Research Pavilion has been iterated five ...
Drawn into Dancing and Danced into Drawing: Exploring Deleuze’s Lines of Flight through Dancing–Drawing Approaches in Early Childhood Dance Pedagogies
This article explores Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) notion of ‘lines of flight’ as a philosophical concept and a phenomenon in dance pedagogical learning events by focusing on approaches combining dancing and drawing in ...