Viitteet 21-30 / 68
Suomeksi suomalaisten tähden : kansankielisen tekstin ja sävelmän suhde Michael Bartholdi Gunnæruksen suomenkielisessä Officia Missæ -introituskokoelmassa (1605)
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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Gunnæruksen käsinkirjoitetun suomenkielisen introi-tuskokoelman Officia Missæ sisältöä, tekstejä ja sävelmiä sekä erityisesti Gunnæ-ruksen tapaa käsitellä gregoriaanisia sävelmiä sovittaessaan ...
The Standardisation of Lutheran Congregational Singing and Liturgical Melodies in Nineteenth-Century Finland and Ingria
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This study focuses on attempts to standardise Lutheran congregational singing and
liturgical melodies in nineteenth-century Finland and Ingria. The research question
is how and why congregational singing was standardised ...
Music and Drama in Six Beethoven Overtures: Interaction between Programmatic Tensions and Tonal Structure
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The present study examines the programmatic character of six Beethoven overtures: the three Leonore Overtures, Coriolan, Egmont, and the Fidelio Overture. It divides into two parts. The first gives theoretical background ...
Hautausmusiikki ja sen valinta Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon suomenkielisissä seurakunnissa : kanttorien näkemyksiä musiikin toteutuksesta vuoden 2003 käsikirjauudistuksen jälkeen
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The present dissertation on funeral music and how it is selected explores the music performed at funeral services, the factors and persons involved in its selection, the role of the church musician in planning the music ...
Towards equity in music education through reviewing policy and teacher autonomy
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Music education policies worldwide are required to abide by the obligation to operate on the basis of equity, which is also an issue of social justice, and legal and political human rights. Yet, the complexity of issues ...
Plural possibilities of improvisation in music education: an ecological perspective on choral improvisation and wellbeing
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Improvisation is increasingly valued in music educational contexts and beyond, however it has not yet gained an established position in music education research and practice. This dissertation addresses the need to recognize ...
Songcrafting practice : a teacher inquiry into the potential to support collaborative creation and creative agency within school music education
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This inquiry has had the theoretical aim of theorizing and analyzing educational action and creating conceptualizations as well as cumulating theoretical knowledge of collaborative creation and creative agency within music ...
Set-class and chord : examining connection between theoretical resemblance and perceived closeness
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This study examined connections between pitch-class set-theoretical abstract concepts, setclasses, and perceptual estimations of chords derived from the set-classes. The study had two aims, the first of which was to compare ...
Yksi työ ja kymmenen tekijää : Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon kanttoreiden kokemuksia omasta ammatillisesta identiteetistään
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Tämän väitöstutkimuksen kohteena ovat Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon
kanttoreiden kokemukset omasta ammatillisesta identiteetistään, toisin sanoen
heidän käsityksensä itsestään ammatillisina toimijoina. Ammatillinen ...
Imagining Possibilities: Musician-Teachers Co-Constructing Visions in the Kathmandu Valley
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The intensifying diversity and rapid change characterizing contemporary societies challenges music teacher education globally to equip future teachers with the skills and understandings necessary for ethically engaging ...