Viitteet 31-40 / 263
Hautausmusiikki ja sen valinta Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon suomenkielisissä seurakunnissa : kanttorien näkemyksiä musiikin toteutuksesta vuoden 2003 käsikirjauudistuksen jälkeen
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
The present dissertation on funeral music and how it is selected explores the music performed at funeral services, the factors and persons involved in its selection, the role of the church musician in planning the music ...
Towards equity in music education through reviewing policy and teacher autonomy
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
Music education policies worldwide are required to abide by the obligation to operate on the basis of equity, which is also an issue of social justice, and legal and political human rights. Yet, the complexity of issues ...
RESONANCE : (Re)forming an Artistic Identity through Intercultural Dialogue and Collaboration
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
This artistic doctoral research examines how the third space emerging from intercultural dialogue and transcultural collaboration can be a catalyst for new musical discoveries, intercultural humility, and the (re)forming ...
Tekstuuri, muutos ja tiheneminen : muotoyksiköiden vuorottelu ja lyheneminen teoksessani on, -ne, -ni
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
Kirjallisessa työssäni tarkastelen sävellyksen muotorakennetta rytmisenä ilmiönä. Syvennyn tutkimaan sitä, miten erilaiset jaksojen rajakohdat määrittyvät teoksessa erityisesti tekstuurin muutosten kautta. Tutkin myös sitä, ...
Clarinet Music from Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1991: Discovering an Unexplored Side of the Clarinet Repertoire
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
A large and stylistically diverse repertoire was composed for the clarinet in the former Soviet Union. However, few of these compositions are well known and regularly performed nowadays. This study explores the characteristics ...
Plural possibilities of improvisation in music education: an ecological perspective on choral improvisation and wellbeing
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Improvisation is increasingly valued in music educational contexts and beyond, however it has not yet gained an established position in music education research and practice. This dissertation addresses the need to recognize ...
Songcrafting practice : a teacher inquiry into the potential to support collaborative creation and creative agency within school music education
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This inquiry has had the theoretical aim of theorizing and analyzing educational action and creating conceptualizations as well as cumulating theoretical knowledge of collaborative creation and creative agency within music ...
Set-class and chord : examining connection between theoretical resemblance and perceived closeness
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This study examined connections between pitch-class set-theoretical abstract concepts, setclasses, and perceptual estimations of chords derived from the set-classes. The study had two aims, the first of which was to compare ...
Sävellyksen synty : Tapaustutkimus säveltäjän ajattelusta
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Tutkimuksessani kartoitin säveltäjän toiminnan aikaista ajattelua (reflection in action; Schön 1983) erotuksena "säveltäjän puheesta yleisölle", eli jälkikäteen annetuista tulkitsevista ja kommunikatiivisista lausunnoista ...
Temporal correlation in the Goldberg variations
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
An interpreter of the Goldberg Variations is almost completely deprived of such utterly important guidance as the composer's tempo markings, which are as rare in the Goldberg Variations as they are in the other works of ...