Viitteet 31-40 / 79
Songcrafting practice : a teacher inquiry into the potential to support collaborative creation and creative agency within school music education
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This inquiry has had the theoretical aim of theorizing and analyzing educational action and creating conceptualizations as well as cumulating theoretical knowledge of collaborative creation and creative agency within music ...
Set-class and chord : examining connection between theoretical resemblance and perceived closeness
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This study examined connections between pitch-class set-theoretical abstract concepts, setclasses, and perceptual estimations of chords derived from the set-classes. The study had two aims, the first of which was to compare ...
Yksi työ ja kymmenen tekijää : Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon kanttoreiden kokemuksia omasta ammatillisesta identiteetistään
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Tämän väitöstutkimuksen kohteena ovat Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon
kanttoreiden kokemukset omasta ammatillisesta identiteetistään, toisin sanoen
heidän käsityksensä itsestään ammatillisina toimijoina. Ammatillinen ...
Imagining Possibilities: Musician-Teachers Co-Constructing Visions in the Kathmandu Valley
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The intensifying diversity and rapid change characterizing contemporary societies challenges music teacher education globally to equip future teachers with the skills and understandings necessary for ethically engaging ...
Holger Fransman: suomalaisen käyrätorvikoulun uranuurtaja
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Elämäkerrallisen väitöskirjatutkimuksen aihe on käyrätorvitaiteilija Holger Fransmanin (1909–1997) muusikon- ja pedagogin ura sekä hänen kehittämänsä suomalaisen käyrätorvikoulun tradi-tiot. Holger Fransmanin käyrätorvensoittajan ...
Our songs and other people's songs : music and identities in a lutheran diocese in Tanzania
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In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT), singing in a choir is a
popular activity, and there are many choirs of different kinds within its parishes.
In this study, the focus is on church choirs and choir ...
Jean Sibelius's works for mixed choir : a source study
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Jean Sibelius (1865-1957) composed choral music throughout his entire active career. The earliest mixed-choir works date from his period of study at the Helsinki Music Institute (probably from 1888 or 1889) and the last ...
Kirjeitä, kirjoja ja musiikillisia pienyhteisöjä : Johann Gottfried Waltherin (1684-1748) merkitys kanonisoituneessa musiikinhistoriassa
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Väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää säveltäjä, urkuri ja teoreetikko Johann Gottfried Waltherin (1684-1748) elämää ja merkitystä. Tutkimus lähtee liikkeelle länsimaisen taidemusiikin kaanoneita kritisoivasta ...
Intensity of Interaction in Instrumental Music Lessons
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Previous research on one-to-one instrumental music lessons in higher education has shown asymmetrical relations between teachers and students and an emphasis on expression and technique in both implicit and explicit ...