Viitteet 41-50 / 146
Intensity of Interaction in Instrumental Music Lessons
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Previous research on one-to-one instrumental music lessons in higher education has shown asymmetrical relations between teachers and students and an emphasis on expression and technique in both implicit and explicit ...
Jean Sibelius's En saga and its two versions : genesis, reception, edition, and form
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The present study examines the two versions of Jean Sibelius's tone poem En saga, Op. 9. It is divided into three parts. The first part sheds light on the genesis and revision of the work as well as on the reception of ...
Kuuntelukasvatus suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa : kohti yhteisöllistä äänellistä toimijuutta
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Kankkunen, Olli-Taavetti 2018. Kuuntelukasvatus suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa - kohti yhteisöllistä äänellistä toimijuutta. Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, Helsinki. Väitöskirja. 254 sivua.
Tämän kasvatuksen alaan ...
Laulajan sprezzatura : fenomenologinen tutkimus italialaisen varhaisbarokin musiikin laulaen puhumisesta
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The subject of this study is the experience of a singer of Early Italian Baroque Music. Description of this experience relies on the concept of sprezzatura, which was used in the Italy of Monteverdi's time and referred to ...
På klassrummets tröskel : om att vara lärare i musikläroinrättningarnas brytningstid
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Syftet med den här avhandlingen är att beskriva, analysera och förstå den kvalitativa innebörden
av musikläroinrättningarnas kvantitativa utveckling, i synnerhet ur ett lärarperspektiv.
Jag har närmat mig forskningsproblematiken ...
Reciprocal Integration in a Musical Thirdspace : An Ethnographic Study with Refugee Musicians and Higher Music Education Students
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This doctoral dissertation addresses the need for European societies, and therefore higher music education to develop responses to the challenges of living with difference as recent political instabilities and conflicts ...
Visions through mobilizing networks: Co-developing intercultural music teacher education in Finland and Israel
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This doctoral dissertation examines the understandings and visions of interculturality and intercultural competence in higher music education that arose from an institutional collaboration between the music teacher education ...
Co-constructing globalizing music education through an intercultural professional learning community - A critical participatory action research in Nepal
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This doctoral dissertation addresses the increasing diversity in globalising 21st-century
societies through an intercultural, inter-institutional critical participatory action
research (PAR) project that engaged music ...
Beneath the Laurel Tree: text-music relationships in Paavo Heininen’s opera Silkkirumpu, op. 45.
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Tämä tutkimus käsittelee Paavo Heinisen Silkkirumpu-oopperan tekstin ja musiikin vuorovaikutusta kerronnallisuuden näkökulmasta. Vuonna 1984 kantaesitetty Silkkirumpu-ooppera perustuu Zeami Motokiyon no-näytelmään Aya no ...
Developing expertise of popular music and jazz vocal pedagogy through professional conversations : a collaborative project among teachers in higher music education in the Nordic countries
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Tämä väitöskirja tutkii populaarimusiikin ja jazzin laulupedagogiikkaa Pohjoismaisissa korkeakouluissa. Pohjoismaat ovat sisällyttäneet populaarimusiikin ja jazzin opetuksen lähes kaikille koulutusasteille ja -muodoille ...