Viitteet 61-70 / 83
RESTARTING EXPORT CAREERS: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Finnish popular music export artists
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The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the Finnish music and music export industries, and they are currently in the process of recovery. In this thesis, I research the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Finnish popular ...
Managing the Western musical canon. Approaches to symphony orchestra program planning.
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This Master’s thesis is examining the repertoire selection of symphony orchestras. It aims to investigate the processes, strategies and decision making of orchestras through how orchestras give understandings and meanings ...
Diversity and Inclusion : a mission-critical task for today’s arts managers
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The study aims to research core competences for arts managers, focusing on diversity and inclusion. It deals with the phenomena of cultural diversity and inclusivity about intercultural competences required for the arts ...
Re-thinking fundraising of dance companies in Finnish cultural political environment
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Finnish cultural policies have ideologically justified public support for arts, but recent argumentations have stressed the need for funding from private sources. This study examines how Finnish contemporary dance companies ...
Elävän jazzmusiikin saavutettavuus Suomessa
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Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan elävän jazzmusiikin saavutettavuuden nykytila Suomessa ja esitetään toimenpide-ehdotuksia jazzalan saavutettavuuden edistämiseksi. Tutkimus perustuu Suomen Jazzliitto ry:n strategisiin tavoitteisiin ...
Curating sales and creating trends: Curatorial approach in recent online art auctions
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Amidst disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic and the digital shift, Sotheby's, a prominent auction house, adapted strategically to changes in online auction system. This thesis explores how Sotheby's curatorial approach ...
Is the Future of the Music Industry in Metaverse? Case Motel Finlandia
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Metaverse has been trending considerably in past years, and there have been many openings regarding that across sectors. Finnish music export organisation, Music Finland, created and implemented a pilot metaverse-project ...
Branding Artists and Arts organizations : turn your brand into a destination you want to be
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The objectives of this thesis was to find out if branding theory from commercial sector can be modified and applied to an arts sector without compromising artistic integrity. It also emphasise on encouragement of arts ...
A critical analysis of the autonomy of art in Finnish cultural policy 1978-2011
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The use of art for the purpose of attaining extra-artistic aims has increased during the last decades. Moreover, discourses of economic origin have entered the artistic realm bringing forth increasing instrumentalist ...
“Please make sure there are no bugs in the area” : An insight to artist hospitality at Finnish music festivals
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Tässä arts management -oppinaineen pro gradu -tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään, millainen on suomalaisten musiikkifestivaalien artistituottajan ammattikuva. Lisäksi tutkitaan, miten artistituo-tantoa tehdään eri ...