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Music psychotherapy with refugee survivors of torture : interpretations of three clinical case studies
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Sami Alanne. 2010. Music Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture. Interpretations of Three Clinical Case Studies. Sibelius Academy, Studia Musica 44. Music Education Department. Doctoral dissertation, 245 pages.
The ...
Monipuolisuuden eetos : musiikin aineenopettajat artikuloimassa työnsä käytäntöjä
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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä koulun musiikinopetuksen käytännöistä ja musiikin aineenopettajan työstä. Tutkimuksen viitekehys on hermeneuttinen ja musiikinopetusta tarkastellaan sosiokulttuurisena ...
Negotiating musical and pedagogical agency in a learning community : a case of redesigning a group piano vapaa säestys course in music teacher education
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The purpose of this study was to design a learning environment in group vapaa säestys (VS) within the context of music teacher education that supports the development of students' musical and pedagogical agency, which is ...
Polkuja kuorosäveltapailuun : kuorosäveltapailukirjat aikuisen kuorolaulajan nuotinluku- ja säveltapailutaidon kehittäjinä
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The study focuses on choral aural training, which is understood to mean activities in choirs intended to improve the music literacy and aural training skills of choral singers. The approach is textbook-oriented, consisting ...
Songcrafting practice : a teacher inquiry into the potential to support collaborative creation and creative agency within school music education
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This inquiry has had the theoretical aim of theorizing and analyzing educational action and creating conceptualizations as well as cumulating theoretical knowledge of collaborative creation and creative agency within music ...
Gender lessons : girls and boys negotiating learning community in Basics of Music
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This study examines the complexity of children's gendered negotiations in a music classroom, particularly how the age-related social phenomenon of gendered border work, gendered learner identities and the construction of ...