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Viitteet 338-357 / 435
Taide ja kulttuuri edistävät terveyttä ja hyvinvointia
(Suomen lääkäriliitto, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliKartoitimme virtaviivaistetulla pikakatsauksella taide- ja kulttuuritoiminnan mahdollisuuksia edistää eri ikä- ja väestöryhmien terveyttä ja hyvinvointia. Taide- ja kulttuuritoiminta vaikuttaa terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin ... -
Taidekasvatus : peruskoulun sokea piste
(Kasvatustieteiden tutkimuslaitos, 2019)
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Taidekasvatus notkeassa modernissa : Systeeminen visio suomalaisen musiikkioppilaitosjärjestelmän tulevaisuuteen
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura ry, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliYksi sosiologian merkittävimpiä aikalaisdiagnostisia käsityksiä on Zygmunt Baumanin (2002) moderniin liittyvien instituutioiden ”notkeutuminen” (liquid modernity) – käsite, joka haastaa yhteiskunnan eri alueiden tulevaisuuden ... -
Taiteellinen tutkimus – jatkuva prototyyppi
(Tutkijaliitto, 2017)
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Taiteellinen tutkimus, kirjallisuus ja jälki-disiplinääriset kirjoittamisen muodot
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTaiteellinen tutkimus otti Pohjoismaisissa korkeakouluissa ensiaskeleensa vuosituhannen taitteessa, kun musiikin, visuaalisen ja esittävien taiteiden akatemiat avasivat ovensa uudenlaisen taiteilijavetoisen tutkimusparadigman ... -
Tasa-arvo peruskoulun taidekasvatuksessa : Avaimia kestäviin ratkaisuihin
(Taideyliopisto, 2021)
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Teacher as ignorant music master : Some Rancièrian musings on instrumental pedagogy
(Royal college of music, 2015)
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Teacher educators’ visions of pedagogical training within instrumental higher music education : A case in Finland
(Cambridge University Press, 2014)
lehtiartikkeliThe purpose of this study was to examine the visions of teacher educators of instrumental pedagogy (n = 12) in higher music education regarding ‘good’ teaching and instrumental student teacher preparation. The theoretical ... -
Teachers as frontline agents of integration: Finnish physical education students’ reflections on intercultural encounters
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (Taylor & Francis, 2018)
lehtiartikkeliThe responsibilities of physical education teachers are responding to increased migration and wider political shifts in Europe. How might tertiary institutions prepare the next generation of PE teachers to address issues ... -
Teachers’ expanding roles and tasks : Integrating embodied and arts-based language pedagogies in physical education for cultural and linguistic awareness
(Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliDeveloping linguistically and culturally aware pedagogies is essential in increasingly diverse countries, such as Finland, thus needing more attention in teachers’ preservice education. This article focuses on physical ... -
Teaching and learning musical instruments through ICT : the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown
(Elsevier, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe COVID-19 lockdown in education institutions required music teachers to use ICT to continue teaching. This research study, with the use of a Likert type online questionnaire, analyses the ICT activities carried out ... -
Teatterintekijät dokumentaristeina – todellisuus teatterin osatekijänä
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Technology in the service of educational purposes in music classrooms
(Sage, 2024)
kirjan osaThe rapid multiplication of research studies on music education technology, as well as the increasingly central role of technology in policy documents, signify a general interest in the possible applications of technology ... -
The (New) Awakening of Soviet Jazz Culture in the 1960s
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliFollowing the period of lowest political tolerance toward jazz from the late 1940s to the death of Stalin in 1953, Soviet jazz culture experienced gradual growth during Nikita Khrushchev’s Thaw. This essay argues that the ... -
The (Un)Capture of Cappanawalla : Vital Materiality and Collaborative Artistic Emergence
(Aalto-yliopisto, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis visual essay recounts a photography excursion that unexpectedly evolved into a transformative artistic encounter on Cappanawalla mountain in rural Ireland. What started as a systematic and detached approach of ... -
The art of playful mess : Co-choreographing the early years dance pedagogical practices
(Sage, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis article presents explorations of co-choreographing the early years dance pedagogical settings through dialogical and intra-active approaches in the context of artistic research. It discusses how to choreograph the ... -
The Bartleby Machine : exploring creative disobedience in computers
(Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThe idea of disobedient machines is developed from the perspective of the historical and current developments in artificial intelligence (AI). Disobedience is often used in arts and technology as both a theme and a tool. ... -
The Brain Disorders Debate, Chekhov, and Mental Health Humanities
(Springer, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThe contemporary brain disorders debate echoes a century-long conflict between two different approaches to mental suffering: one that relies on natural sciences and another drawing from the arts and humanities. We review ... -
The Choreographic Politics of a Staircase
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaIn this duet, Heimonen and Rouhiainen discuss their approach to site-informed textual choreography through examining its applications at the staircase of the Parliament House in Helsinki. They present the full textual ... -
The Dalcroze Approach : Experiencing and Knowing Music through Embodied Exploration
(Oxford University Press, 2016)
kirjan osaThis chapter addresses the aims, content areas, principles, and applications of the Dalcroze pedagogy, an approach of music education that integrates rhythmic movement, ear training, and improvisation and recommends that ...