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Viitteet 409-428 / 435
Validation of the Musical Identity Measure : Exploring musical identity as a variable across multiple types of musicians
(SAGE, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThis article introduces the validation of a Musical Identity Measure (MIM), developed to support individuals’ self-conceptions in relation to their musical activities (e.g., performance, composition, music technology). ... -
Venäläinen kapellimestaripedagogiikka Suomessa
(Venäjän ja Itä-Euroopan tutkimuksen seura ry, 2023)
lehtiartikkeli -
Veridical and Schematic Memory for Harmony in Melody-and-Accompaniment Textures
(University of California press, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliWe studied memory for harmony using a melody-and-accompaniment texture and 10 commercially successful songs of Western popular music. The harmony was presented as a timbrally matching block-chord accompaniment to digitally ... -
Viewing Sexual Violence : Audience Responses to Game of Thrones
(University of Nottingham, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, we examine audience responses to representations of sexual violence in the fantasy television series Game of Thrones (GoT, 2011–2019) by analysing online survey data gathered by the international Game of ... -
Viipurin työväenyhdistys kulttuuritoimijana 1900-luvun alussa
Viipurin suomalaisen kirjallisuusseuran toimitteita : 24 (Viipurin suomalainen kirjallisuusseura, 2022)
kirjan osa -
Vocal characterisation of the dramatis personae in Paavo Heininen’s Silkkirumpu op. 45 and Kaija Saariaho’s Adriana mater
(Cogent OA, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis article discusses the composer’s contribution to the vocal characterisation of the dramatis personae in contemporary opera. The composer can formulate the musical and expressive content of the soloists’ vocal parts ... -
Voglerin Hoosiannan vakiintuminen adventin suosikkilauluksi 1800-luvun Suomessa ja Inkerinmaalla
(Historiallinen yhdistys, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliSaksalaisen Georg Joseph Voglerin 1700-luvun lopun Tukholmassa säveltämän Hoosianna-hymnin suosion vuoksi ensimmäinen adventtisunnuntai on tänäkin päivänä yksi suosituimpia juhlapyhiä Suomessa. Alun perin palmusunnuntain ... -
Vulnerable Agencies: A Performative Research Assemblage on Dis/Ability
(Cappelen Damm, 2024)
kirjan osaIn this article, I describe an artistic research process stemming from my work as a dance pedagogue in disability services. Describing and reflecting on the process that led to the artistic part of my research, a performance ... -
Walking in a cage : Attuning to atmospheric intensities through corporeality
(Intellect, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliThis article discusses an artistic act: walking for seven sequential days inside a cage made of chicken wire in the grounds of a former mental hospital in Lapinlahti in Helsinki, Finland and its potential to offer insights ... -
Ways to enhance embodied learning in Dalcroze-inspired music education
(Intellect, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliDrawing on the phenomenology of embodied learning, this article presents suggestions for ways that embodied learning can be enhanced in Dalcroze-inspired music education. Here, embodied learning refers to learning from ... -
We can’t settle for normality : Towards feminist monster studies
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2024)
kirjan osaThe present, global moment arguably requires a shift in addressing issues concerning the “normal”. We understand the normal not only as the general, the common, and the standard, but also as that which embodies social and ... -
Wearing a Second Skin of Sound : Touching the Other through Sounding and Listening
(Routledge, 2022)
lehtiartikkeli -
Weeds in the Greenhouse : Curating Posthuman Engagements
(Aalto-yliopisto, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliIn an ode to Woolgar and Latour’s Laboratory life (1979), this visual essay traces what occurred during a series of fieldtrips and workshops I organised between students from Uniarts and Aalto University, and researchers ... -
What are individual‐level nature amends? Rescaling biodiversity offsetting from the community members' perspective
(John Wiley & Sons, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliEffective solutions to biodiversity loss are multidimensional, requiring engagement from diverse stakeholders across various sectors and commitment levels. In this context, voluntary actions from community members emerge ... -
What helps jazz musicians name tunes from harmony?
lehtiartikkeliResearch has shown that musical training is associated with a greater ability to aurally connect chord progressions to specific pieces of music. However, it is unclear what specific aspects of musical training contribute ... -
What’s art got to do with it? : Contemplations on art, language, and embodiment
(Jyväskylän yliopisto, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis article focuses on the meaning of art in embodied language learning. It tackles questions about how art works, what art is good for or—as the heading states— What's art got to do with it? The connection between ... -
When nerves hit : The effect of trait anxiety, situational stress, and task mastery on the perception and interpersonal accuracy of musical expressiveness
(Frontiers, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliMusic performance anxiety (MPA) is a prevalent phenomenon with potentially serious consequences to a musician’s wellbeing and professional career. Yet, MPA does not always affect performance quality. It is hypothesized ... -
“Where the Social Stigma Has Been Overcome” : The Politics of Professional Legitimation in Nepali Music Education
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 29 (Springer, 2021)
kirjan osaThis chapter explores the actions musician-teachers in the extremely diverse and complex context of the Kathmandu Valley imagine that might hold potential for contesting and altering processes of marginalisation and ... -
Wildness Makes This World
(Routledge, 2023)
kirjan osaAs an artist who is usually engaged with folklore and its performance, especially “Wildman” characters as they appear in folk rituals across Europe, I am especially interested in the connections between wildness, folklore, ... -
Will Denial Make DSM’s Validity Problem Go Away? A Reply to Pies and Ruffalo
(J.L. Schwartz, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis article is a response to the article “Psychiatric Diagnoses Point to Real Conditions That Cause Debilitating Symptoms” by Ronald W. Pies, MD, and Mark L. Ruffalo, MSW, DPsa.