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Viitteet 157-176 / 409
IIOO IS NOT HERE : Building and exhibiting media art installation with novel modular tangible programming interface
(ACM, 2023)
kirjan osaThe installation IIOO IS NOT HERE deals human-machine relations and interfaces. It takes a critical standpoint to subject-object relation and questions of control and elaborates N. Katherine Hayles’ concept of cognitive ... -
Imagining ends-not-yet-in-view: The ethics of assessment as valuation in Nepali music education
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
kirjan osaThe intensifying diversity and fast-paced social change characterizing contemporary societies requires music education policy and practice to contend with various and at times conflicting musical and cultural values and ... -
Imagining what it is like to be you : challenges of a hybrid community
lehtiartikkeliOver the past few years I as theatre practitioner and scholar have been developing the concept of a hybrid community of artistic expression (HCAE). This community includes people from different backgrounds who collectively ... -
Immersive Spatial Interactivity in Sonic Arts : The Acoustic Localization Positioning System
(MIT Press, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliThe Acoustic Localization Positioning System is the outcome of several years of participatory development with musicians and artists having a stake in sonic arts, collaboratively aiming for nonobtrusive tracking and indoors ... -
In the Bogs of Joukahainen and Väinämöinen : The Alchemies of Peat from Sacred to Profane and Back
(Aalto University, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliPeat bogs play a special role in Finnish cultural history, climate policy, economic life, and art. This article examines the performative meaning-making of peat and aims to rewrite with and through art and cultural heritage ... -
In the shadows : Phenomenological choreographic writing
(Intellect, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThis article introduces a piece of choreographic writing. It likewise discusses the kind of site-specific choreographic process of opening up to what in everyday life is not apparent and left in the shadows that generated ... -
Inclusive music education : The potential of the Dalcroze approach for students with special educational needs
(Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers, 2016)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, we discuss the potential of Dalcroze-inspired music education for students with special educational needs (SEN), based on preliminary findings of an on-going PhD study (ethnographic practitioner research) ... -
Individual becomes collective becomes individual : Collective Memory-Work as a reciprocal and continuous learning process for hybrid artists
(School of Education, University of Stirling, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliCollective Memory-Work is a method that aims to question and change the general ways of thinking that lie behind our theoretical assumptions. One of the principal ideas in memory-work is that individual persons actively ... -
Initiating Aesthetic Learning : A Study on Practicing Dance (Again)
(University of Madeira, 2023)
kirjan osaThe main purpose of this chapter is to investigate the topic of ‘(re-)entering dance practice’ as a mode of aesthetic learning. Body phenomenology, complemented by viewpoints from performativity theory, will be applied in ... -
Institutional collaboration creating new spaces for young people's musical authorship : The case of G Songlab
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaMusic schools are in a vital position when designing social innovations for opening new opportunities to learn music. Taking the G Songlab initiative as an example, this chapter discusses the potentials of cross-sectoral ... -
Instrumentalist Teacher Training : Fostering the Change Towards Student-Centered Practices in the Twenty-First Century
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 31 (Springer, 2022)
kirjan osaThis chapter focuses on relevant issues to instrumental music pre-service and in-service teachers, such as the need to strengthen their teaching strategies and skills; the importance of offering pedagogical certification ... -
(Routledge, 2018)
kirjan osa -
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaWhat is Nordic speculative fiction? What do we mean when we say “Nordic”? This is an introduction to the first definite anthology on Nordic speculative fiction and the first one written in English for a larger global ... -
Introduction : A collaborative journey
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaThis chapter introduces the reader to the phenomenon of European music schools, extracurricular organisations for instrumental and vocal education that are embedded in different larger cultural contexts and educational ... -
Investigating if and how string teachers instruct and support the self-regulation of students’ practice in online lessons
(Sage, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliExisting literature indicates that music teachers and educators working online need to encourage students to adopt self-regulating behaviors to succeed in their learning and performance. This study examines if and how ... -
Invitation : Choreoreading EXOXƎ
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaThis semi-fictional chapter stems from the post-doctoral artistic research project called xeno/exo/astro -choreoreadings, conducted from 2021 to 2023 in the Performing Arts Research Centre, Theatre Academy, University of ... -
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTeksti muodostaa paikkasidonnaisen koreografian, joka sai sysäyksen liikkuessamme Helsingin Kaivopuiston rannalla kesällä 2023. -
Katsojan paikka teatteritilassa
(Teatterintutkimuksen seura ry, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTässä artikkelissa käsittelen esitystilaa katsomiskokemuksen rakentamisen välineenä suomalaisen teatterin lähihistoriasta ottamieni esimerkkien kautta. Esityskohtaisten skenografisten ratkaisujen sijasta tarkastelen ... -
”Kerro niille, että me ollaan ihmisiä” : Vankiloissa tehtävään yhteisötaiteeseen valmistava taiteen korkeakoulupedagogiikka
(Suomen sosiaalipedagoginen seura, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliArtikkeli käsittelee taiteen korkeakoulupedagogiikkaa, joka keskittyy vankiloissa tehtävään yhteisötaiteeseen – esimerkiksi kuvataiteeseen, musiikkiin tai esittäviin taiteisiin. Käytän myös lyhyempää muotoa vankilataide. ... -
Kirjoittamalla solidaarisuutta akateemiseen maailmaan : Joana Pais Zozimo, Kate Sotejeff-Wilson ja Wendy Baldwin (toim.) (2023) Women Writing Socially in Academia. Dispatches from Writing Rooms [kirja-arvio]
(Sukupuolentutkimuksen seura, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliHumanistis-yhteiskuntatieteellinen tutkimuskirjoittaminen näyttäytyy usein yksinäisenä puurtamisena. Tieteellisen kirjoittamisen ei kuitenkaan tarvitse olla yksinäistä. Joana Pais Zozimon, Kate Sotejeff-Wilsonin ja Wendy ...