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Viitteet 21-40 / 330
Artistic Thinking and Societal Change
(Bloomsbury, 2024)
kirjan osaThe meaning of art has changed through centuries and even during the past decades. Some of the old meanings have kept their status quo and new ones have taken their place alongside the old and tried ones. Art has always ... -
Assessment in Dalcroze Pedagogy
(Oxford University Press, 2019)
kirjan osaThis chapter addresses the target areas, criteria, forms, practices, and tools of assessment in Dalcroze pedagogy, also known as Dalcroze Eurhythmics—education in, through, and for music that integrates body movement ... -
Asymmetrical Oppositions and Hierarchical Structures in Soviet Musical Criticism : The Case of the Essay Collection Za rubezhom (Abroad) (1953)
(Berghahn Books, 2022)
kirjan osaThe immediate impulse for writing this chapter was a small work for bass voice and piano written by the famous Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich. The composition, whose text (aside from a quotation from Alexander Pushkin) ... -
Aural Weather Etude : Installing Atmosphere
Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (International Computer Music Association, 2021)
kirjan osaThe Aural Weather Etude is a collaborative work that explores the spatial dimension as the primary means of organizing music and the devolution of narrative agency to the audience, inspired by the wall drawings by Sol ... -
Aus banger Brust : Aulikki Rautawaaran sota-ajan konserttitoiminta 1939–1944
(Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliArtikkeli käsittelee sopraano Aulikki Rautawaaran (1906–1990) konserttitoimintaa 1939–1944. Fokus on konserteissa, joiden ohjelmistossa oli Sibeliuksen lauluja ja erityisesti Rautawaaran sotavuosina eniten esittämä Aus ... -
Autografi vai kopio? Leevi Madetojan nimikirjoitus sävellyskäsikirjoituksen autenttisuuden arvioinnissa
(Suomen sukututkimusseura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliLeevi Antti Madetoja (1887–1947) oli oululaissyntyinen, Helsingissä suurimman osan elämäänsä asunut säveltäjä, joka muistetaan erityisesti suuren suosion saaneesta oopperastaan Pohjalaisia, sekä laajasta kuorotuotannostaan. ... -
Back to the UFO : Pink Floyd, The Division Bell tour (1994) and the retrofied aesthetics of psychedelia
(Routledge, 2022)
kirjan osa -
Background Music Cultures in Finnish Urban Life
Elements in Music and the City (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
kirjaThe book focuses on how music is experienced, articulated, and reclaimed in urban commercial environments. Special attention is paid to listeners, spaces, and music, co- and re-produced continuously in their triangular ... -
Ballets Russes and Blackface
(Cambridge University Press; Dance Studies Association, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliPrompted by Achille Mbembe's reading of how racial assignation functions, this article examines the recurrences of two blackface ballet characters, the Golden Slave in Schéhérazade and the Blackamoor in Petrouchka, on ... -
“Because I’m a girl” : Troubling shared visions for music education
(SAGE, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliIn light of recent discussions on the importance of shared visions in teacher education, this inquiry raises necessary questions as to whose visions shape unified and shared visions, and whose remain absent, unspoken, or ... -
Becoming a tree with a tree
(Intellect, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThis text reflects on an artistic practice based on repeated visits to chosen trees, performing for camera with them in the context of the project ‘Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees’. The individual daily ... -
Becoming Sustainable, Underground : Outdoor Parties Resisting Cultural Extractivism in the Pandemic Summer of 2020
(Equinox publishing, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliIn the pandemic summer of 2020 in Helsinki, UG outdoor parties were able to disengage electronic live music practices from profit making and the logics of cultural extractivism, offering a sustainable practice by and for ... -
Bernard Stiegler’s postfoundational aesthetics and gestural apparatuses for a memory to come
(Firenze University Press, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis article explores Bernard Stiegler’s philosophical approach to culture in dialogue with Oliver Marchart’s postfoundational framework and conflictual aesthetics. Through the exposition of two different cases of gestural ... -
Beyond the Playlist: Commercial Radio as Music Culture
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2017)
lehtiartikkeliThis article presents the historical transformation of Finnish commercial radio popular music policies from 1985–2005 and contemplates the role of terrestrial radio in contemporary digital age. It argues that a sender-centred ... -
Beyond ‘democracy’ : Making space for the educational and political in music education
(Sage, 2024)
kirjan osa -
Bodily States on Screen: Gendering Spheres of Influence in House of Cards
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
lehtiartikkeliThis article elaborates how the political television drama House of Cards presents the state as a gendered human body, anthropomorphised in the United States’ presidential couple Frank and Claire Underwood and Russia’s ... -
Book review: Learning and teaching in the music studio. A student-centred approach
(Sibelius-Akatemia, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliAlmost two decades of interdisciplinary work by the Musical Knowledge Acquisition Research Group (GIACM) of the Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain) has been compiled in the book Learning ... -
Bosnian Discography before World War I : Recording artists, repertoire, and politics
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaThis chapter uses new discographic research to give an overview of the politics of the early recording industry in Bosnia before World War I, when it was under Habsburg rule. Three phonographic companies made commercial ... -
Broadening student musicians’ career horizons : The importance of being and becoming a learner in higher education
(Sage, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliResearch in higher music education acknowledges a persistent divide between performance studies and the realities of musicians’ work. Alongside this is global pressure for curriculum that is more supportive of students’ ... -
Capture and express, question and understand : Gloves in gestural electronic music performance
(Cambridge University Press, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliGesture-based musical performance with on-body sensing represents a particular case of wearable connection. Gloves and hand-sensing interfaces connected to real-time digital sound production and transformation processes ...