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Viitteet 96-115 / 371
Embracing a learner identity : An Autoethnographic duet exploring disruptive critical incidents in instrumental music pedagogy
(International Society for Music Education (ISME), 2020)
kirjan osa -
Encountering the image of thought in artmaking
(Intellect, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliDrawing from observations by contemporary art critic Jerry Saltz that recent art-school graduates are producing work that imitates the styles of successful and established artists and movements, this article explores how ... -
Engaging Practitioners as Inquirers : Co-constructing Visions for Music Teacher Education in Nepal
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 26 (Springer, 2019)
kirjan osaThis chapter explores how co-constructing visions might engage teachers as inquirers in a ‘majority world’ context by reflecting on a series of 16 Appreciative Inquiry workshops involving over 50 musician-teachers in the ... -
Ensemble practices in the arts : A reflective matrix to enhance team work and collaborative learning in higher education
(SAGE, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliEnsemble practices have been essential to the performing and visual fine arts over centuries. The skills of working in ensembles, including team work and collaborative learning, are increasingly understood to be critical ... -
Envisioning imaginary spaces for musicking : equipping students for leaping into the unexplored
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, we argue that music teachers working in a fast-changing society could focus on envisioning their students' imaginary spaces for engaging with music and equipping them for leaping into what for the students ... -
Epiphonies of Motivation and Emotion Throughout the Life of a Cellist
(Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, 2019)
lehtiartikkeliThis layered autoethnography comprises momentary scenes connected to musical pieces for cello that are engraved in my memory and on the calluses of my fingertips by significant physical, emotional, and motivational ... -
Epämukava, transformatiivinen ja rohkea museo?
(Taidehistorian Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliMuseot ovat historiallisesti toimineet identiteettien, normien ja valta-asetelmien rakentajina, tulkitsijoina ja muokkaajina. Nykypäivänä museoissa suhtaudutaan kuitenkin usein kriittisesti niiden historialliseen rooliin. ... -
Eriarvoistavat mekanismit taiteen perusopetuksessa : synteesi Arts Education for All -ryhmän tutkimuksista
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura ry, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliTässä artikkelissa kootaan yhteen havaintoja tutkimuksesta, joka tarkasteli ArtsEqual-tutkimushankkeen Arts Education for All -ryhmän taiteen perusopetusta. -
Esipuhe : Taidekirjoittaminen tutkimuksena
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTaidekirjoittaminen on perinteisesti mielletty pääasiassa taiteen asiantuntijoiden ja ammattikirjoittajien, kuten kuraattorien, esseistien, kriitikoiden ja taiteen tutkijoiden työsaraksi. Taiteellisen tutkimuksen myötä ... -
Esteettinen päiväkirja : Reflektio taiteilijan praktiikan tukena sosiaalisesti osallistavassa taiteessa
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTässä artikkelissa tarkastelen esteettistä päiväkirjaa sosiaalisesti osallistavan taiteen kontekstissa yhtenä taidekirjoittamisen muotona ja erityisesti taiteilijan oman työn reflektoinnin ja ammatillisen kasvun välineenä. -
Ethical Considerations on Conducting Research about Music Teaching in Primary Schools : A Virtue Ethics Approach
(University College of Music Education in Stockholm, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliThe purpose of this article is to explore a specific normative ethical approach, virtue ethics, with respect to its potential to support ethical considerations related to music education research. The work we report on ... -
Expanding professionalism in popular music voice teaching : A framework synthesis
(Sage, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis framework synthesis investigates how notions related to expanding professionalism have manifested in recently published literature on popular music voice teaching. The reviewed literature was selected from a systematic ... -
Experienced workload, stress, and coping among professional students in higher music education : An explanatory mixed methods study in Finland and the United Kingdom
(SAGE, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliProactive coping styles may help students deal with their study workload and stress in healthier ways. In this explanatory mixed methods study, data were gathered among professional students in higher music education in ... -
Exploring dis(ability) : Towards affirmative space in and through arts pedagogy
Routledge Research in Education (Routledge, 2019)
kirjan osa -
Exploring The Concept Of Freedom In A Strictly Notated Score Through The Autoethnographic Research Method : Case Study – Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Klavierstück I
(Latvian Academy of Culture, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliAutoethnography is a research method that focuses on the researcher’s personal experiences and, through the analysis of experiences, can contribute to a fuller understanding of a phenomenon on a wider cultural level. In ... -
Expression in popular music singing as embodied and interpersonal
(Frontiers, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis article presents theoretical viewpoints for considering and understanding expression in popular music singing and pedagogy from the perspective of embodiment as outlined in Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological philosophy. ... -
Factors associated with psychological distress of workers in the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church
(BioMed Central, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliBackground The work of church employees contains many elements causing symptoms of stress and anxiety. They can lead into psychological distress and possibly indicate the beginning of a more serious psychological state. ... -
Fear, Coping and Peer Support in Male Dance Students’ Reflections
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)
kirjan osaThis chapter offers a compelling overview of male dance students’ predicaments of masculinity in Finland. The chapter provides a much-needed insight into fear, coping, and peer support in male dancing by focusing on young ... -
Flickan kom… : Aulikki Rautawaaran Sibelius-ohjelmisto 1927–1957
(Suomen musiikkitieteellinen seura, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliArtikkeli käsittelee sopraano Aulikki Rautawaaran (1906–1990) Sibelius-ohjelmistoa hänen 30 vuotta kestäneen konserttiuransa varrella. Tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta tietoa Sibeliuksen laulujen esittämiskäytännöistä ja ... -
Forming a Sonic Identity through the Integration of Transculturality and Technology
(Open Library of Humanities, 2019)
lehtiartikkeliThis paper investigates the ways in which new sonic identities begin to emerge through a dialogue between cultures, artistic disciplines and technology. Musicians worldwide commonly shape their identity and forms of musical ...