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A Qualitative Investigation of Binaural Spatial Music in Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the sound and music computing conferences (Sound and Music Computing Association, 2023)
kirjan osaVirtual reality (VR) games and applications strive to create as believable an illusion of “being there” in the virtual environment as possible. This implies fidelity in all aspects of technical reproduction, including the ... -
Deep listening the animal other : trash-foraging gulls at Ämmässuo waste treatment centre
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliFor centuries, seeing has dominated other senses in Western thought. To a certain extent, this has also been the case in animal philosophy. In this article, animal otherness is examined through listening. We explore otherness ... -
Immersive Spatial Interactivity in Sonic Arts : The Acoustic Localization Positioning System
(MIT Press, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliThe Acoustic Localization Positioning System is the outcome of several years of participatory development with musicians and artists having a stake in sonic arts, collaboratively aiming for nonobtrusive tracking and indoors ... -
Wearing a Second Skin of Sound : Touching the Other through Sounding and Listening
(Routledge, 2022)