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Aural Weather Etude : Installing Atmosphere
Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (International Computer Music Association, 2021)
kirjan osaThe Aural Weather Etude is a collaborative work that explores the spatial dimension as the primary means of organizing music and the devolution of narrative agency to the audience, inspired by the wall drawings by Sol ... -
Background Music Cultures in Finnish Urban Life
Elements in Music and the City (Cambridge University Press, 2024)
kirjaThe book focuses on how music is experienced, articulated, and reclaimed in urban commercial environments. Special attention is paid to listeners, spaces, and music, co- and re-produced continuously in their triangular ... -
Deep listening the animal other : trash-foraging gulls at Ämmässuo waste treatment centre
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliFor centuries, seeing has dominated other senses in Western thought. To a certain extent, this has also been the case in animal philosophy. In this article, animal otherness is examined through listening. We explore otherness ... -
On Processing the Texts in The Air Journey
(Routledge, 2022)
lehtiartikkeli -
Äänellinen vyöhykkeistäminen kuluttajatarjouman rakentamisessa : Etnografinen tutkimus lahtelaisten seksikauppojen ääniympäristöistä
(Kulttuurintutkimuksen seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliÄänielementit ovat avainasemassa, kun erotiikka-alan liikehuoneistoon luodaan erilaisia tarjoumia kuluttajalle. Liiketilaan rakennetaan vyöhykkeitä yhdistelemällä auditiivisia, visuaalisia ja haptisia aistimellisia kokemuksia. ...