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“Because I’m a girl” : Troubling shared visions for music education
(SAGE, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliIn light of recent discussions on the importance of shared visions in teacher education, this inquiry raises necessary questions as to whose visions shape unified and shared visions, and whose remain absent, unspoken, or ... -
Engaging Practitioners as Inquirers : Co-constructing Visions for Music Teacher Education in Nepal
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 26 (Springer, 2019)
kirjan osaThis chapter explores how co-constructing visions might engage teachers as inquirers in a ‘majority world’ context by reflecting on a series of 16 Appreciative Inquiry workshops involving over 50 musician-teachers in the ... -
Shaping imagined communities through music : Lessons from the School Song practice in Nepal
(SAGE, 2019)
lehtiartikkeliThis study attends to the global need to rethink how music education could provide opportunities for shaping imagined communities in times of intensifying societal complexity and diversity by exploring the practice of ... -
“Where the Social Stigma Has Been Overcome” : The Politics of Professional Legitimation in Nepali Music Education
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 29 (Springer, 2021)
kirjan osaThis chapter explores the actions musician-teachers in the extremely diverse and complex context of the Kathmandu Valley imagine that might hold potential for contesting and altering processes of marginalisation and ...