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Viitteet 1-8 / 8

    • A Phenomenological Actor 

      Kirkkopelto, Esa (University of Alberta, 2022)
      In this article, I will open my artistic research process from the phenomenological point of view, by aiming at identifying its phenomenological aspects and potential. My presentation will proceed as a series of practical ...
    • Caring Buildings 

      Ikonen, Liisa (Intellect, 2022)
      kirjan osa
      In my writing, I reflect on the experiential nature of institutional care environments and the way in which their spatial conditions guide their users and residents. --
    • Expression in popular music singing as embodied and interpersonal 

      Juntunen, Marja-Leena; Arlin, Elina P.; Liira, Katri (Frontiers, 2023)
      This article presents theoretical viewpoints for considering and understanding expression in popular music singing and pedagogy from the perspective of embodiment as outlined in Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological philosophy. ...
    • In the shadows : Phenomenological choreographic writing 

      Heimonen, Kirsi; Rouhiainen, Leena (Intellect, 2022)
      This article introduces a piece of choreographic writing. It likewise discusses the kind of site-specific choreographic process of opening up to what in everyday life is not apparent and left in the shadows that generated ...
    • Initiating Aesthetic Learning : A Study on Practicing Dance (Again) 

      Kraus, Anja; Anttila, Eeva; Norton Dias, Teresa (University of Madeira, 2023)
      kirjan osa
      The main purpose of this chapter is to investigate the topic of ‘(re-)entering dance practice’ as a mode of aesthetic learning. Body phenomenology, complemented by viewpoints from performativity theory, will be applied in ...
    • Kaivopuistonranta 

      Heimonen, Kirsi; Rouhiainen, Leena (Suomen Semiotiikan Seura, 2023)
      Teksti muodostaa paikkasidonnaisen koreografian, joka sai sysäyksen liikkuessamme Helsingin Kaivopuiston rannalla kesällä 2023.
    • Sanojen ylistys : Näyttämö, ruumis, runous 

      Kirkkopelto, Esa (Tutkijaliitto, 2022)
      Runollisuus on attribuutti, jonka käyttöä viljellään kaikkien taiteenlajien piirissä siitä huolimatta, että tarkalleen ottaen sen tulisi luonnehtia vain yhtä niistä, nimittäin runoutta itseään. Kun elokuvassa, näyttämöesityksessä, ...
    • Using a Transcendental Phenomenological Approach as a Model to Obtain a Meaningful Understanding of Music Students’ Experienced Workload in Higher Education 

      Jääskeläinen, Tuula (Pennsylvania State University, 2022)
      Enhancing our understanding of students’ experiences during their studies in higher music education is essential to supporting them as they cope with their specific workloads in studying music. This study provides a detailed ...