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Osallistuminen taiteeseen ja kulttuuriin : elinikäinen oikeus vai velvollisuus?
lehtiartikkeli -
Re-conceptualizing music education in the older adult life course : A qualitative meta-synthesis
(Whioce Publishing, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThe Seoul Agenda by UNESCO has set goals to develop arts education, ensuring that learners from all social backgrounds have lifelong access to arts education in a wide range of community and institutional settings. However, ... -
Rethinking, Re-storying, and Reclaiming Narratives of Aging in Music Education Research
(Southern Illinois University, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, I address the contemporary discussion of later-life courses in music education research and how it might perpetuate the discrimination and stereotyping of older adults. Drawing from the sociology of aging, ... -
The effectiveness of music–movement integration for vulnerable groups : A systematic literature review
(Frontiers, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis systematic review synthesized the outcomes of previous intervention studies published from January 2000–October 2022 to evaluate the effectiveness of Dalcroze-based or similar music–movement integration among groups ...