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Viitteet 1-20 / 30
Ainedidaktiikka musiikinopettajakoulutuksessa
(KMO, 2009)
kirjan osaArtikkelissa tarkastellaan musiikin didaktiikan opettamiseen liittyviä ajankohtaisia kysymyksiä ja haasteita sekä luodaan lyhyt katsaus opetuksen lähihistoriaan. Lisäksi tekstissä tarkastelleen didaktiikkaa käsitteenä sekä ... -
Considering the ontological premises for tools in artists’ education - on poiesis and composition
lehtiartikkeliArtikkeli käsittelee ‘työkalujen’ ongelmallisuutta taiteilijan koulutuksessa, erityisesti MA tason koreografian opetuksessa. Aihe on osoittautunut oleellisen tärkeäksi moninaisten ja heterogeenisten esteettisten tavoitteiden ... -
Editorial – Special issue: Emerging perspectives on instrumental and vocal pedagogy
(Sibelius-Akatemia, 2023)
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Embodied learning through and for collaborative multimodal composing : A case in a Finnish lower secondary music classroom
(Pennsylvania State University, 2020)
lehtiartikkeliThis article analyzes how embodied learning was enhanced in a project in which students made a music video with a tablet, combining music and movement compositions, in a Finnish seventh-grade music classroom. Student ... -
Embracing a learner identity : An Autoethnographic duet exploring disruptive critical incidents in instrumental music pedagogy
(International Society for Music Education (ISME), 2020)
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Envisioning imaginary spaces for musicking : equipping students for leaping into the unexplored
(Taylor & Francis, 2014)
lehtiartikkeliIn this article, we argue that music teachers working in a fast-changing society could focus on envisioning their students' imaginary spaces for engaging with music and equipping them for leaping into what for the students ... -
Eriarvoistavat mekanismit taiteen perusopetuksessa : synteesi Arts Education for All -ryhmän tutkimuksista
(Suomen Semiotiikan Seura ry, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliTässä artikkelissa kootaan yhteen havaintoja tutkimuksesta, joka tarkasteli ArtsEqual-tutkimushankkeen Arts Education for All -ryhmän taiteen perusopetusta. -
Expanding professionalism in popular music voice teaching : A framework synthesis
(Sage, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThis framework synthesis investigates how notions related to expanding professionalism have manifested in recently published literature on popular music voice teaching. The reviewed literature was selected from a systematic ... -
Instrumentalist Teacher Training : Fostering the Change Towards Student-Centered Practices in the Twenty-First Century
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 31 (Springer, 2022)
kirjan osaThis chapter focuses on relevant issues to instrumental music pre-service and in-service teachers, such as the need to strengthen their teaching strategies and skills; the importance of offering pedagogical certification ... -
Investigating if and how string teachers instruct and support the self-regulation of students’ practice in online lessons
(Sage, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliExisting literature indicates that music teachers and educators working online need to encourage students to adopt self-regulating behaviors to succeed in their learning and performance. This study examines if and how ... -
Learning a skill, or learning to learn? Supporting teachers’ professional development in music education technology
(Intellect, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliMusic education technology continues to open significant possibilities for composing, improvisation and other creative music-making activities in school classrooms. However, these possibilities are not always fully realized ... -
Learning and Teaching Music in the Twenty-First Century
Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education : 31 (Springer, 2022)
kirjan osaSome years ago, in an analysis on what is happening in primary and secondary education classrooms, one of us (Pozo, 2006) referred to the film “The Sleeper” directed by Woody Allen in 1973, to serve as a metaphor for the ... -
Mapping the Field of Composing Pedagogy in Finland : From Musical Inventions to Cultural Participation
(Routledge, 2023)
kirjan osaIn Finland, creative music-making practices have already been included in curricular documents for decades. Music teachers working at schools have been encouraged to provide pupils with opportunities for musical improvisation ... -
Musiikin ja kuvataiteen arvioinnin kysymyksiä
Raportit ja selvitykset : 2011:11 (Opetushallitus, 2011)
kirjan osaTarkastelemme tässä artikkelissa musiikin ja kuvataiteen arviointiin liittyvää problematiikkaa. Käsittelemme aihetta sekä tehdyn oppimistulosten arviointiprosessin valossa että myös laajempana, koulun taideaineiden luonteeseen ... -
Novel opportunities for intercultural music education : Integrating singing and a language-aware approach in Learn-Finnish-by-Singing choirs
(SAGE, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe topic of language awareness in intercultural music education has received surprisingly little attention in discussions on meaningful and responsive musical practices, despite language being an ubiquitous issue that ... -
Orkesteriohjelmisto Pietarin konservatorion kapellimestarikoulutuksessa 1979–2019
(Suomen Venäjän ja Itä-Euroopan tutkimuksen seura, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliTässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan Pietarin (Leningradin) konservatorion kapellimestarikoulutuksessa vuosina 1979–2019 käytettyä orkesteriohjelmistoa konservatorion suomalaisalumnien kokemusten pohjalta. Tutkimuksen aineistona ... -
Outside the rules, outside the boundaries
(Amsterdam University Press, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliThe following contribution is a written account of Jaana Erkkila-Hill’s keynote lecture at the FORUM+ symposium The art school as an ecosystem: Future perspectives on higher arts education, co-organised with ARIA during ... -
Promoting interconnections between reflective practice and collective creativity in higher arts education : the potential of engaging with a reflective matrix
(Taylor & Francis, 2021)
lehtiartikkeliReflective practice has long been understood to be integral to the arts, but has predominantly been conceptualised in terms of tacit or individual activity. Identifying the need to reimagine and deepen reflective practice ... -
Re-thinking inspiration as in-betweens in arts-integrated literacy practices
(Elsevier, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliInspiration is a widely used concept in everyday speech, and it is used especially when people talk about what they do in their creative processes. This article presents a re-thinking of the notion of inspiration through ... -
SAPEA : A System for the Analysis of Instrumental Learning and Teaching Practices
Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education : 31 (Springer, 2022)
kirjan osaAs we have just seen in previous chapters, ways of learning and teaching are determined by how teachers and students conceive of their learning and teaching functions: what do they think learning and teaching is?