Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Rinnakkaistallennetut julkaisut
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Becoming Sustainable, Underground : Outdoor Parties Resisting Cultural Extractivism in the Pandemic Summer of 2020
(Equinox publishing, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliIn the pandemic summer of 2020 in Helsinki, UG outdoor parties were able to disengage electronic live music practices from profit making and the logics of cultural extractivism, offering a sustainable practice by and for ... -
COVID-pandemian vaikutus kirkon hengellisen työn työntekijöiden työhön ja hyvinvointiin
Suomalaisen teologisen kirjallisuusseuran julkaisuja : 302 (Suomalainen teologinen kirjallisuusseura, 2023)
kirjan osaArtikkelissa tarkastellaan Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon hengellisen työn työntekijöiden kokemuksia COVID-19-pandemian vaikutuksista työhön ja hyvinvointiin. Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2021 toteutettuun Kirkon ... -
Effects of Passion, Experience, and Cultural Politics on Classical Musicians’ Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Frontiers, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe widespread cancelation of cultural events during the early 2020 stages of the COVID-19 pandemic led professional performing musicians across the world to experience an increasing economic fragility that threatened their ... -
Plutarch’s Boat : On the spiritual sense of the scenic interruption
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe article considers how the scene in the scenic presentation can constitute a twofold instance of interruption—not only as an intervening element within a performance but also as something that may interrupt it entirely—and ...