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COVID-pandemian vaikutus kirkon hengellisen työn työntekijöiden työhön ja hyvinvointiin
Suomalaisen teologisen kirjallisuusseuran julkaisuja : 302 (Suomalainen teologinen kirjallisuusseura, 2023)
kirjan osaArtikkelissa tarkastellaan Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon hengellisen työn työntekijöiden kokemuksia COVID-19-pandemian vaikutuksista työhön ja hyvinvointiin. Artikkeli perustuu vuonna 2021 toteutettuun Kirkon ... -
Do larger departments lead to better research? The correlation between disciplinary community size and quality of publications in seven scientific disciplines in Finland
(Tampereen yliopisto, Johtamiskorkeakoulu, 2017)
kirjan osa -
Effects of Passion, Experience, and Cultural Politics on Classical Musicians’ Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Frontiers, 2022)
lehtiartikkeliThe widespread cancelation of cultural events during the early 2020 stages of the COVID-19 pandemic led professional performing musicians across the world to experience an increasing economic fragility that threatened their ... -
The influence of music performance anxiety on career expectations of early musical career students : self-efficacy as a moderator
(Frontiers, 2024)
lehtiartikkeliMusic performance anxiety (MPA) is recognized as a distinct emotional behavior rather than merely a motor control disorder and is influenced by specific conditioning experiences. This study investigates the interrelationships ...