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Shifting the Focus : Intra-acting with Diverse Agencies and Happy Objects in a Day Center of Disability Services
The article is based on the author’s experiences of facilitating creative movement groups in a disability services day center. Through artistic and performative research, she investigates different forms of agency in and ...
The (Un)Capture of Cappanawalla : Vital Materiality and Collaborative Artistic Emergence
This visual essay recounts a photography excursion that unexpectedly evolved into a transformative artistic encounter on Cappanawalla mountain in rural Ireland. What started as a systematic and detached approach of ...
Reflective documentation in arts education : Expanding ways of thinking through multimodal, embodied practices
Purpose of this article is to describe the development of a pedagogical research approach entitled reflective documentation. Context for this inquiry is an Erasmus+ project entitled Pedagogy of Imaginative Dialogues (PIMDI). ...
Weeds in the Greenhouse : Curating Posthuman Engagements
In an ode to Woolgar and Latour’s Laboratory life (1979), this visual essay traces what occurred during a series of fieldtrips and workshops I organised between students from Uniarts and Aalto University, and researchers ...