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The potential of multiprofessional collaboration in integrating dance in early additional language education in primary school
This article explores how a multiprofessional team collaborates in integrating dance in early language education. It is based on the team members’ experiences and reflections as they combined dance with the teaching of ...
Broadening student musicians’ career horizons : The importance of being and becoming a learner in higher education
Research in higher music education acknowledges a persistent divide between performance studies and the realities of musicians’ work. Alongside this is global pressure for curriculum that is more supportive of students’ ...
A Descriptive Diagnosis or a Causal Explanation? Accuracy of Depictions of Depression on Authoritative Health Organization Websites
Introduction: Psychiatric diagnoses are descriptive in nature, but the lay public commonly misconceives them as causal explanations. It is not known whether this logical error, a form of circular reasoning, can sometimes ...
Education as a pharmakon : Action art as political pedagogic device for enacting radical democracy
By considering the position of education as a pharmakon, highlighting its potential positive and negative effects on societies by its technical unfolding, the article proposes to explore the political and pedagogical role ...
Ponderings with breathing/breathing with ponderings
The article is a document of artistic research insofar as it invents forms of thinking-in-writing-with-breathing. In addition to that, the article gives insights on breathing’s potential for expanded choreographic practice ...
Tasa-arvo peruskoulun taidekasvatuksessa : Avaimia kestäviin ratkaisuihin
Winterreise laulajanaisen matkana : taiteilijuus koronapandemian aikaan
Kuinka olosuhteet vaikuttavat laulajan taiteellisiin valintoihin? Tämä artikkeli yhdistää taiteellisen tutkimuksen Karen Baradin uusmaterialistiseen ajatteluun ja avaa minkälaiseksi Franz Schubertin Winterreise muotoutui ...
Do It Yourself, Rain! Dabbling Drops, Splashes, and Waves: Experiments in Art and Science
The author’s visual practice draws from the natural sciences. Playful installations create “portraits” of naturally occurring phenomena. The artworks invite the viewer to witness the spontaneous emergence of patterns and ...
Becoming Sustainable, Underground : Outdoor Parties Resisting Cultural Extractivism in the Pandemic Summer of 2020
In the pandemic summer of 2020 in Helsinki, UG outdoor parties were able to disengage electronic live music practices from profit making and the logics of cultural extractivism, offering a sustainable practice by and for ...
Crip Time Travels Through the Membrane and Vortex : An Autoethnographic Inquiry of Neurodivergent Student Temporality in Higher Art Education
Crip time is a fluid term with various definitions that pertain to the ways that disabled people experience time. In one sense, the effects of crip time can be constraining, particularly when it results in an encounter ...