Viitteet 221-230 / 254
Tärähdyttävät sankarit New Yorkin maailmannäyttelyssä 1939 : Mieskuoro Finlandia Suomen maakuvan viestijänä
At the opening of the Finnish section of the New York World’s Fair on May 4, 1939, the Finlandia Male Chorus performed; the choir had been founded especially for the trip to North America, and in particular for performing ...
Professional entanglements : A qualitative systematic review of healthcare musicians’ work in somatic hospital wards
Introduction: The purpose of this review is to explore research literature beyond music therapy and music medicine studies that addresses healthcare musicians’ work in hospitals. Music-related and intersectoral collaboration ...
Middle-class music making? Social class, “race,” and their intersections in the practice of school popular music
This article explores how social class, “race,” and their intersections manifest in Finnish popular music education (PME) through an exploration of popular music practices in one upper elementary music classroom where I ...
Dalcroze Eurhythmics – a method, an approach, a pedagogy, or a philosophy?
In my keynote presentation in the second International Conference of Dalcroze Studies in Vienna 2015, I argued that Dalcroze Eurhythmics is not a method. This aroused several opposite opinions and many interesting discussions. ...
Esipuhe : Taidekirjoittaminen tutkimuksena
Taidekirjoittaminen on perinteisesti mielletty pääasiassa taiteen asiantuntijoiden ja ammattikirjoittajien, kuten kuraattorien, esseistien, kriitikoiden ja taiteen tutkijoiden työsaraksi. Taiteellisen tutkimuksen myötä ...
Observations on Harmony, Voice-leading, and "Idea" in Schoenberg's Piano Piece Op. 11 No. 1
This analysis of Schoenberg’s Op. 11 No. 1 demonstrates ways in which two register-sensitive principles of harmony and voice-leading shed new light on its pitch organization.
The 11-vs-1 principle posits a distinction ...
Sanojen ylistys : Näyttämö, ruumis, runous
Runollisuus on attribuutti, jonka käyttöä viljellään kaikkien taiteenlajien piirissä siitä huolimatta, että tarkalleen ottaen sen tulisi luonnehtia vain yhtä niistä, nimittäin runoutta itseään. Kun elokuvassa, näyttämöesityksessä, ...
Re-conceptualizing music education in the older adult life course : A qualitative meta-synthesis
The Seoul Agenda by UNESCO has set goals to develop arts education, ensuring that learners from all social backgrounds have lifelong access to arts education in a wide range of community and institutional settings. However, ...
Ways to enhance embodied learning in Dalcroze-inspired music education
Drawing on the phenomenology of embodied learning, this article presents suggestions for ways that embodied learning can be enhanced in Dalcroze-inspired music education. Here, embodied learning refers to learning from ...
Global artistic citizenship : (Re-)imagining interculturalism, collaboration, and community engagement as central elements of higher music education
This article seeks to better understand the impacts of placing interculturalism and community engagement as central elements in higher music education and its effects on students’ experiences, learning outcomes, and societal ...