Viitteet 41-50 / 291
Identiteettityöskentely aikuisbändissä : Myöhäisiän oppimisen kamppailu ja esiintymisen tarjoumat
Aikuisten bändisoiton harrastaminen on tullut osaksi suomalaista uudistuvaa musiikkikasvatusta vaihtoehtona perinteisemmille myöhäisiän harrastusmuodoille. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan aikuisbänditoimintaan osallistumista ...
Validation of the Musical Identity Measure : Exploring musical identity as a variable across multiple types of musicians
This article introduces the validation of a Musical Identity Measure (MIM), developed to support individuals’ self-conceptions in relation to their musical activities (e.g., performance, composition, music technology). ...
Tools for Teachers to Support Music Students in Managing and Coping With Their Workload in Higher Education
One-to-one tuition is an essential part of studying music and is appreciated by the music students. Problems can occur when there are diverse perceptions between teacher practice and student expectations. This study provides ...
Effects of Passion, Experience, and Cultural Politics on Classical Musicians’ Practice During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The widespread cancelation of cultural events during the early 2020 stages of the COVID-19 pandemic led professional performing musicians across the world to experience an increasing economic fragility that threatened their ...
When nerves hit : The effect of trait anxiety, situational stress, and task mastery on the perception and interpersonal accuracy of musical expressiveness
Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a prevalent phenomenon with potentially serious consequences to a musician’s wellbeing and professional career. Yet, MPA does not always affect performance quality. It is hypothesized ...
An Inquiry on Post-linguistic Subjects in Twin Peaks : The Return
In the long-awaited third season of Twin Peaks (ABC, 1990-1991; Showtime, 2017), the audience was introduced to Dougie Jones, a tulpa of FBI Agent Dale Cooper, the series’ main character. In the series, a tulpa is a fictional ...
Äänellinen vyöhykkeistäminen kuluttajatarjouman rakentamisessa : Etnografinen tutkimus lahtelaisten seksikauppojen ääniympäristöistä
Äänielementit ovat avainasemassa, kun erotiikka-alan liikehuoneistoon luodaan erilaisia tarjoumia kuluttajalle. Liiketilaan rakennetaan vyöhykkeitä yhdistelemällä auditiivisia, visuaalisia ja haptisia aistimellisia kokemuksia. ...
The politics of memory and place-making in local opera : The case of the Kymi River Opera
This case study on the Kymi River Opera in south-eastern Finland, at the former border between Sweden and Russia, explores the potential of local operas to re-create a sense of place identity in a contemporary society in ...
Troubling dance education from a Nordic policy perspective : A field with an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral potential
This article seeks to create an overview of existing structures for dance education in the public educational systems and of cross-sectoral collaborations in the Nordic countries Denmark, Norway and Finland. A case study ...
The potential of multiprofessional collaboration in integrating dance in early additional language education in primary school
This article explores how a multiprofessional team collaborates in integrating dance in early language education. It is based on the team members’ experiences and reflections as they combined dance with the teaching of ...