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Viitteet 123-142 / 1557
Choreography as reading practice
Acta Scenica : 56 (2019)
opinnäyte (tohtori)My doctoral artistic research project (2013-2019) examines choreography as reading practice. In the research, the notion of choreography operates simultaneously as an analytical device, problem to be examined, and an ... -
Clarinet Music from Russia and the Soviet Union 1917–1991: Discovering an Unexplored Side of the Clarinet Repertoire
EST-julkaisusarja : 56 (Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, DocMus-tohtorikoulu, 2021)
opinnäyte (tohtori)A large and stylistically diverse repertoire was composed for the clarinet in the former Soviet Union. However, few of these compositions are well known and regularly performed nowadays. This study explores the characteristics ... -
Climbing a memory
opinnäyte (maisteri)This paper is the written component of my master thesis project, of which the artistic part was realized between Spring 2021 - Autumn 2022. In this text, I analyze the historical background of the project and give it context ... -
Co-constructing globalizing music education through an intercultural professional learning community - A critical participatory action research in Nepal
Studia musica : 83 (2020)
opinnäyte (tohtori)This doctoral dissertation addresses the increasing diversity in globalising 21st-century societies through an intercultural, inter-institutional critical participatory action research (PAR) project that engaged music ... -
Co-construction knowledge management practices in arts universities : the role of the entrepreneurial mindset and education
Studia musica : 93 (Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2022)
opinnäyte (tohtori)In times of change, knowledge and the ability to learn become key strengths of an organization. Entrepreneurial education and mindset are widely considered as a useful tool for arts students in connecting with the market, ... -
Collaborative Dramaturgies in Filmmaking - Creating a Concept for the Feature Film “Parvet”
(Taideyliopiston Teatterikorkeakoulu, 01.09.2023)
opinnäyte (maisteri)In this thesis, I make a personal reflection on how the dramaturgical concept of the feature film “Parvet” was created. The aim of the project is to build dramaturgical tools that would benefit voices that are currently ... -
Colour Keys -menetelmä pikkupianisteille
opinnäyte (lisensiaatti)Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli tutkia kriittisesti Colour Keys -menetelmää pianonsoitonalkuopetusmetodina, kehittää menetelmää edelleen ja valmistaa lisäksi uutta oppimateriaalia. Eräänä projektin tavoitteena oli oma ... -
Comic trans : presenting and representing the other in stand-up comedy
opinnäyte (maisteri)This thesis is a companion to my artistic work in stand-up comedy, comprising artistic-based research and approaches comedy from a performance studies perspective. The question addressed in the paper and the work is "How ... -
Communicational Aspects of the Symphonic Music of Carl Nielsen : How does a contemporary audience respond to Carl Nielsen's Symphony No. 2 after receiving "an elementary introduction?"
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2015)
opinnäyte (tohtori)In 1931, Danish composer Carl Nielsen made the following seminal statement to the newspaper Berlingske Tidende: "It's a fact that quite a few people stay away from music because they think they don't really understand its ... -
Composition and choreography : critical reflections on perception, body and temporality
Acta Scenica : 55 (2018)
opinnäyte (tohtori)Seeing as an active endeavour for the choreographer Jana Unmüssig's doctoral research examines studio-based choreographic composition practice that focuses on seeing and visuality from the perspective of the choreograph ... -
Connections between multiple intelligences used in the performance and teaching of contemporary art music
opinnäyteLearning and performing contemporary art music is considered among many students and teachers as a music, which is demanding, complex to understand and easily brings out the extremes of the learning and performing ways of ... -
Contours of Self: Meditations on Identity and the Act of Erasure
(Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia, 06.09.2023)
opinnäyte (maisteri)In this thesis, I explore our notion of self through a phenomenological approach by creating three different works: one interactive work consisting of a pen plotter and two paintings. During this process, I also reflect ... -
Contradictions and context of the installation : a territory under MaMa
opinnäyte (maisteri) -
“Conversations about life, cultural heritage, VR, and projects” : a case study on the management of a virtual heritage project
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2021)
opinnäyte (maisteri)The case study examines the production of a Virtual Heritage experience in the Maritime Centre Vellamo in Kotka in 2019-2020 as part of the Fateful Svensksund exhibition from the perspective of project management. The aim ... -
Coping with not-knowing by co-confidencing in theatre teacher training : a grounded theory
Acta Scenica : 39 (2014)
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Countering inequality in Nepali music education
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2018)
opinnäyteMusic Technology (MT) has been an effective tool in music education by providing helpful means that can guide students to develop a better understanding of music. MT is mostly used in notating, arranging and composing music ... -
Creating and re-creating dance : performing dances related to Ausdruckstanz
Acta Scenica : 12 (2002)
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Cultural Diversity Programmes : Challenges and Solutions in Scandinavia
(Sibelius-Akatemia, 2005)
opinnäyte (maisteri)The purpose of this thesis has been to grasp the issue of cultural diversity in the Nordic countries and to particularly see what the actions for supporting cultural diversity in the field of cultural policy have been. The ... -
Cultural hybrids in contemporary music: analytical methods and their application to intercultural composition
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 2020)
opinnäyteThe aim of this research is to offer a synthetic insight into intercultural composition, based on prior taxonomical studies and analytical approaches. The two main results of the work are, on the one hand, a compilation ... -
Cultural intelligence in intercultural collaborative music-making: Self-reflecting on interpersonal abilities as a mediator for creative collaborations in Colombia
(Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, 04.11.2023)
opinnäyte (maisteri)In this artistic research, I investigate the personal and interpersonal abilities of a musician in intercultural musical collaborations. The body of this research is my field trip to Colombia and two different artistic ...