Selaus asiasanan mukaan kokoelmassa Kirjalliset opinnäytteet

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    • Choreographing in nomadic traces 

      von Bagh, Jenni-Elina (2018)
      opinnäyte (maisteri)
      This written part of my final theses work focuses on my own choreographic work through a nomadic framing. I go through methodologies and principles in choreographing, that bring us closer to a question of non-identification, ...
    • How to stay together : looking for sustainable practices in the frame of working groups in performing arts 

      Laurilehto, Riikka (2019)
      opinnäyte (maisteri)
      In the written part of my thesis, I am looking into how sustainability thinking should be reformulated in feminist, post-humanist ontological terms, and how this renewed sustainability thinking could inform the working ...