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The Global Harp, a transcultural journey : exploring the role as a harp player and collaborator in diverse musical contexts through a transcultural music-making process
In this final written work I will reflect upon the influences that have inspired this journey as a
harp player and collaborator by being part of multicultural, intercultural and transcultural
music-making processes. I ...
Zeze - a Tanzanian fiddle : an empirical research of the history, structure, and playing of wagogo's and waha's zeze
The aim of this thesis was to carry out research into the traditional Tanzanian fiddle, or Zeze as it is called in Tanzania. The researcher investigates building and playing techniques, as well as some of the musical ...
Memorizing lyrics and performing from memory : a study of professional singers’ approaches to foreign language repertoire
The overarching aim of my research is to investigate the approaches professional singers use to memorize lyrics and remember the lyrics during a performance. I focus especially on the challenge of singing and performing ...
All the people's sorrow : making a concert of laments
All the People`s Sorrow. Making a Concert of Laments is a final project for the Global Music Master (GLOMAS) studies. It consists of two parts: written work and a concert called Kaikkien kansojen murhe - All the People's ...