Viitteet 1-10 / 28
There is nothing old under the sun = Llevaba un sol adentro
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Abstract in English:
There is nothing old under the sun took place at Helsinki’s Winter Garden on March 14th and 15th 2020. Inspired by Tarot as a speculative practice, the performance consisted of thirty-minute long ...
Epistemessology - how is it possible that we are witnessing TikTok dances from January 2021, a prehistoric stone tool and a sleeping freelancestor at the same time?
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This written part of my master’s thesis consists of two parts. The first part is a visual catalogue which also includes hyperlinks. The second part discusses contextual, theoretical and methodological frames for my artistic ...
Modification as a mode of resistance
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Modification As a Mode of Resistance is focused on reading temporalities, and more specifically re-reading the past as a
plurality through the lens of spaces chosen for live and performance art to take place in. This ...
Leadership Povera : a long-term project towards Gromo's 2026 elections
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
In 2026 I will run for mayor as an artist in the municipal elections of my hometown, Gromo, a small village in the Alps of the Upper Seriana Valley, northern Italy. In June 2021, I inaugurated the long-term candidacy project ...
How to like Finland how Finland can like me (too) : In search of patriotic postures
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In this MA thesis, I try to understand the mechanisms and affectual postures of patriotism from a queer foreign artist’s perspective. I employ a series of performances, artistic practices and experimental writing to get ...
Adventures in live art game research : towards a theory of definition
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Drawing from major game studies theorists and performance scholars, this thesis seeks to merge these worlds and combine lexicons of Live Art and ludology. First, this thesis provides an account of my engagement with the ...
Aivomusiikkilaboratorio interaktiivisena kokemuksena : esityksellisen ihmiskokeen taustoja ja tutkimustuloksia
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Tämä kirjallinen työ perustuu opinnäytetyöni taiteelliseen osioon, aivomusiikkilaboratorioon, jonka esitykselliset ihmiskokeet järjestettiin Teatterikorkeakoulussa syksyllä 2009. Käsittelen tässä tekstissä Aivomusiikkilaboratorion ...
Liikutuksen tiloja : kohtauksia osallistavasta esitystaiteesta, tanssista ja ekologiasta
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Liikutuksen Tiloja on kokoelma tekstejä vuosilta 2006-2009 jotka käyvät läpi esitystaiteellisen ajatteluni kehitystä
tältä ajalta. Se kuvaa kolmea taiteellista työtäni, alkaen Trio A rekonstruktio prosessista ja siitä ...
Spin-Fold-Spill : a textual investigation about role-play, narrative, and fictitious truths
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Spin-Fold-Spill is a solo performance, installation and written thesis that explores the Role-System, a system of roles that represents parts of a personality. The performance and installation took place during May 2011. ...
Mapping the body, embodying the map : a corporeal taxonomy into a topographical transformation at the border of Nicosia
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Mapping the Body, Embodying the Map: A corporeal taxonomy into a topographical transformation at the border of Nicosia is a project realized along and across the buffer zone within the Venetian walls of Nicosia, the
capital ...