Viitteet 41-50 / 70
Visions through mobilizing networks: Co-developing intercultural music teacher education in Finland and Israel
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This doctoral dissertation examines the understandings and visions of interculturality and intercultural competence in higher music education that arose from an institutional collaboration between the music teacher education ...
Co-constructing globalizing music education through an intercultural professional learning community - A critical participatory action research in Nepal
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
This doctoral dissertation addresses the increasing diversity in globalising 21st-century
societies through an intercultural, inter-institutional critical participatory action
research (PAR) project that engaged music ...
Beneath the Laurel Tree: text-music relationships in Paavo Heininen’s opera Silkkirumpu, op. 45.
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
Tämä tutkimus käsittelee Paavo Heinisen Silkkirumpu-oopperan tekstin ja musiikin vuorovaikutusta kerronnallisuuden näkökulmasta. Vuonna 1984 kantaesitetty Silkkirumpu-ooppera perustuu Zeami Motokiyon no-näytelmään Aya no ...
Developing expertise of popular music and jazz vocal pedagogy through professional conversations : a collaborative project among teachers in higher music education in the Nordic countries
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
Tämä väitöskirja tutkii populaarimusiikin ja jazzin laulupedagogiikkaa Pohjoismaisissa korkeakouluissa. Pohjoismaat ovat sisällyttäneet populaarimusiikin ja jazzin opetuksen lähes kaikille koulutusasteille ja -muodoille ...
The apparition from the forest : a treatise on Satz in the music of Jean Sibelius
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The purpose of this study is to examine the structure of the Satz of Sibelius. This consists of two branches: the traditional Satz and another Sibelian Satz-idea, hitherto little known. The core of it can be found in a ...
The (im)possibility of inclusion : reimagining the potentials of democratic inclusion in and through activist music education
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This dissertation examines inclusion as an ambiguous concept and practice within the context of music education in Finland. The general ethos of inclusive education aims to ensure equal opportunities for all students. ...
The challengers of public cultural centres : a mixed method study on private cultural centres in Finland
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Institutional theory has undergone major development in recent decades, while resource dependence theory has remained essentially unchanged since its inception in 1978. This study examines the associations of these two ...
The singer in the ecclesiastical hierarchy : the early history of the order
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Tutkimus, jonka nimi suomennettuna on "Laulaja kirkollisessa hierarkiassa. Viran varhainen historia", käsittelee nykyisin kanttorina tunnetun viran syntyvaiheita, laulajien tehtäviä ja asemaa. Laulajan virkaa, tai ehkä ...
Democracy through pop? : thinking with intersectionality in popular music education in finnish schools
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This article-based doctoral dissertation is an inquiry into the conditions required for democractic popular music education (PME) in Finnish basic education. Although critical research on PME in Finland has recently ...
Pienet teot, suuri hurma : toimijuus kulttuurisessa vanhustyössä
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opinnäyte (tohtori)
Suomalainen yhteiskunta on monella tavalla murroksessa: väestö ikääntyy, hyvinvointi
polarisoituu ja työelämä kuormittaa tekijöitään. Selvitäksemme muutoksessa
tarvitsemme uudenlaisia toimintakulttuurisia ja rakenteellisia ...