Viitteet 11-20 / 91
The process of opening and closing the navel with choreographic means: choreographic thinking with sculptures and bodies
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The artistic part of my thesis consisted of four parts: an open invitation letter to join in the project published in December 2022, a performative installation in which the people who answered to the open call were invited ...
Poignancy Flavor
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This text, submitted in fulfillment of the required written component of the MFA thesis, titled 'poignancy flavor,' serves as a collection of fragmented thoughts and experiences, offering a glimpse into the artist’s ...
Salaisuuksista suurin
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Salaisuuksista suurin -videoteos käsittelee inhimillisen olemassaolon peruskysymyksiä yhdistäen tarinankerrontaa ja abstraktia kokeellista videotaidetta. Videoteoksella kuultava tarina mukailee vapaasti ...
Social Portrait – Women Only
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Lopputyössäni tutkin nähdyksi tulemisen kokemusta ja naisten representaatiota taiteessa. Projektini Social Portrait – Women Only alkoi vuonna 2017 Suomen satavuotisjuhlan inspiroimana. Tavoitteenani oli piirtää sata ...
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
‘Impression’ is the written component of the Master of Fine Arts thesis at the University of the Arts Helsinki, Academy of Fine Arts authored by the writer of this text. The supervisor of the thesis project is Simon Thompson ...
Almost there
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Fail Better : through the administrative looking glass and beyond
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Erythrophobia - riemulla
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Kevät, muutos ja elinvoima : teoksia ja ajatuksia ihmisyydestä
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Kuvataiteen maisterin opinnäyte
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