Viitteet 21-30 / 252
Capture and express, question and understand : Gloves in gestural electronic music performance
Gesture-based musical performance with on-body sensing represents a particular case of wearable connection. Gloves and hand-sensing interfaces connected to real-time digital sound production and transformation processes ...
Embodiment in composition : 4E theoretical considerations and empirical evidence from a case study
The purpose of this study was to theorise on a composer’s corporeality from the point of view of the embodied, enacted, embedded, and extended cognition paradigm, in the light of empirical data that cover the compositional ...
Using a music microanalysis protocol to enhance instrumental practice
The strategies that enable musicians to adapt their behaviors so that they can break through, feel energized, and perform well collectively distinguish what it is to be a self-regulated learner. These strategies range from ...
Soundtrapped? Socio-material perspectives on collaborative teaching within the music classroom
This article draws on a classroom project to explore the complexities of collaborative teaching within the music classroom, where a professional team collaborated to facilitate digital music-making at a lower secondary ...
Learning a skill, or learning to learn? Supporting teachers’ professional development in music education technology
Music education technology continues to open significant possibilities for composing, improvisation and other creative music-making activities in school classrooms. However, these possibilities are not always fully realized ...
Epämukava, transformatiivinen ja rohkea museo?
Museot ovat historiallisesti toimineet identiteettien, normien ja valta-asetelmien rakentajina, tulkitsijoina ja muokkaajina. Nykypäivänä museoissa suhtaudutaan kuitenkin usein kriittisesti niiden historialliseen rooliin. ...
Leif Segerstam's Pedagogical Legacy
Leif Segerstam served as the professor of conducting at the Sibelius Academy from 1997 to 2013. Renowned for his virtuosity with the baton, Segerstam shaped the education of over 50 Finnish and international conducting ...
Exploring The Concept Of Freedom In A Strictly Notated Score Through The Autoethnographic Research Method : Case Study – Karlheinz Stockhausen’s Klavierstück I
Autoethnography is a research method that focuses on the researcher’s personal experiences and, through the analysis of experiences, can contribute to a fuller understanding of a phenomenon on a wider cultural level. In ...
Nukkekodin varpusen moraaliton konsertto : Arvoja, ihanteita ja uuden musiikin kuvia Ann-Elise Hannikaisen pianokonserton lehdistöreseptiossa vuonna 1976
1970-lukua on luonnehdittu pluralismin ajaksi suomalaisen klassisen musiikin historiassa. Millaisia arvoja ja esteettisiä ihanteita tuolloin oli klassisen musiikin kentässä? Millainen nykymusiikki oli 1970-luvun puolivälin ...
Singing Language : Integrating Second Language Learning into Choir Practice
Language and music are closely tied in singing. It has even been argued that without language there is no song. However, can music and language learning through singing also be seen as being closely tied without first ...