Dimensions of embodiment in novice dance teachers’ reflections
Anttila, Eeva (2018)
Anttila, Eeva
This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Research in Dance Education on 03 Jul 2018, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/14647893.2018.1485639.
Research in Dance Education
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This article presents how guided core reflection can be used in tertiary dance education, and how this approach may support the professional development of novice dance teachers. During the final stages of their studies, a three-stage procedure of guided core reflection developed for this study with an emphasis on embodiment was conducted with dance teacher trainees. The first stage was video recording of the dance class taught by the student, the second stage was watching the recorded dance class, followed by a stimulated recall interview and a reflective discussion. The third stage was written reflection. Qualitative content analysis was used for data analysis, and the meaning units were categorized following a framework of six dimensions of embodiment (Svendler Nielsen 2015). The social body and the sensing body were identified as key components of students' reflections suggesting that this three-stage reflection model allows for the embodied nature of dance teachers' professions to be taken into account as part of reflective work. Furthermore, this study illustrates how the reflection process can be used and supported in educating future dance teachers.