Choreography and feeling : in alternative relativity
Gurevitsch, Sara (2018)
Gurevitsch, Sara
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This paper explores findings of connectivity and feeling relating to my latest artistic process Dry storm in Theateracademy of Helsinki. It sheds light on experiencing relative sensing of time and space through body’s structures of communication in a framing of choreography. I share experiences and observations of practicing choreography that reveal my interest towards processual being and embodied connectivity. I will highlight experience as a starting point for a choreographic process and ponder translation as a choreographic tool, to bring fourth transformability of a body and processual composition. In relation to feminist, philosopher Rosi Braidotti’s and mathematician, philosopher Alfred North Whitehead’s thinking I find support in articulating the creative realm of Dry storm. I will explore some of the interfaces and relativities that Whitehead’s speculative realism and choreography create and what they seemed to communicate. I will map out the thought and experience -processes leading towards somatic imagining and open more the physical practices that formulated Dry storm. Besides using Whitehead’s process ontological concepts and Braidotti’s thinking, this paper draws terminology and ideas from i.e. philosopher Elizabeth Grosz and dramaturge Jeroen Peeter’s. In this paper I attempt to leave endings open, return and cycle around, reflect ways to organize through relativity of feeling.
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