ArtsEqual : equality as the future path for the arts and arts education services.
Ilmola-Sheppard, Leena; Rautiainen, Pauli; Westerlund, Heidi; Lehikoinen, Kai; Karttunen, Sari; Juntunen, Marja-Leena; Anttila, Eeva (2021)
Ilmola-Sheppard, Leena
Rautiainen, Pauli
Westerlund, Heidi
Lehikoinen, Kai
Karttunen, Sari
Juntunen, Marja-Leena
Anttila, Eeva
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Publisher: ArtsEqual, University of the Arts Helsinki.
Research grounded in the work of over one hundred scholars --
Introduction: ArtsEqual – alternatives to inequality mechanisms --
Multisectoral, multidisciplinary, and multi-methods research --
An extensive nationwide project --
A plurality of voices and tension --
How equal is ArtsEqual? --
1. Conclusions: equality requires reforms and interaction --
Internal inequality mechanisms based on the preservation of quality --
Inequality mechanisms external to the arts --
On presence, the artist’s professional identity, and human rights --
2. When the mechanisms are identified, we can reduce inequality if we so wish --
What is meant by inequality? --
What is meant by equality? --
Inequality mechanisms within the arts system: should the arts only belong to those who are able? --
Exclusion: only to the able --
Hierarchies: it is better to let the professionals decide --
Inequality mechanisms outside the arts system: Should the arts operate only according to the system’s conditions? --
Exclusion: unconnected institutions --
3. Possible roles of the arts and arts education system in the future – an agile, active social agent or a quality regulator? --
As the world changes, the arts will endure, but the art systems will change --
The arts will endure, but active interaction with society is a prerequisite for the development of the system.
Introduction: ArtsEqual – alternatives to inequality mechanisms --
Multisectoral, multidisciplinary, and multi-methods research --
An extensive nationwide project --
A plurality of voices and tension --
How equal is ArtsEqual? --
1. Conclusions: equality requires reforms and interaction --
Internal inequality mechanisms based on the preservation of quality --
Inequality mechanisms external to the arts --
On presence, the artist’s professional identity, and human rights --
2. When the mechanisms are identified, we can reduce inequality if we so wish --
What is meant by inequality? --
What is meant by equality? --
Inequality mechanisms within the arts system: should the arts only belong to those who are able? --
Exclusion: only to the able --
Hierarchies: it is better to let the professionals decide --
Inequality mechanisms outside the arts system: Should the arts operate only according to the system’s conditions? --
Exclusion: unconnected institutions --
3. Possible roles of the arts and arts education system in the future – an agile, active social agent or a quality regulator? --
As the world changes, the arts will endure, but the art systems will change --
The arts will endure, but active interaction with society is a prerequisite for the development of the system.
The ArtsEqual project, funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland (2015–2021), investigated factors that discouraged people’s participation in the arts and arts education.
The project proposed to break the cycle of vulnerability through a range of active measures and examined current policies in the arts and art services from an ethical perspective. This report describes some of the most significant inequality mechanisms identified in the arts and arts education service system in Finland as well as the mental models that underpin them.
The project proposed to break the cycle of vulnerability through a range of active measures and examined current policies in the arts and art services from an ethical perspective. This report describes some of the most significant inequality mechanisms identified in the arts and arts education service system in Finland as well as the mental models that underpin them.