From Petrushka to Les Noces : a musical journey composing original xylophone compositions influenced by Igor Stravinsky, with an examination on practice as a process
Ohenoja, Antti (2022)
Ohenoja, Antti
Taideyliopiston Sibelius-Akatemia, DocMus-tohtorikoulu
Tohtoritutkinto. Taiteilijakoulutus
EST-julkaisusarja 63
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
This thesis is part of the requirements for the Doctor of Music degree in the Arts Study Programme at the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki. The thesis introduces new aspects of and perspectives on Igor Stravinsky’s (1882–1971) xylophone writing through original solo xylophone compositions by the author. The history and background of the xylophone will also be discussed. The final chapter of the thesis focuses on practice as a process, with the author’s own viewpoints combined with ideas of some of the leading pedagogues and performers of the percussion field. The musical material presented will largely consist of Stravinsky’s xylophone parts and my own original music, which are discussed in the earlier chapters of the text. I will provide another perspective on the music in the context of practice as a process.
The thesis proceeds in three phases. Firstly, the challenges of Stravinsky’s xylophone parts have been brought up as a topic of discussion. Secondly, Stravinsky’s xylophone parts are used as an inspiration for the original compositions in the thesis. Stravinsky’s technical and musical challenges are then explored in my original compositions through practicing and performing them. Thirdly, the whole practice process is put under a microscope and utilized for preparing compositions and orchestral parts. Furthermore, I will study the artistic and technical aspects of the musical material herein, and how it can be prepared optimally in terms of timing and the scope of preparation for performance and/or presentation. In my research I combine aspects of composition, practice process, and the history of the xylophone. The thesis is aimed primarily at university level students, but also at professional percussionists. The goal of the thesis is to provide effective and practical benefits to percussionists based on the thesis’ innovative approach to xylophone performance and the learning process.
The thesis proceeds in three phases. Firstly, the challenges of Stravinsky’s xylophone parts have been brought up as a topic of discussion. Secondly, Stravinsky’s xylophone parts are used as an inspiration for the original compositions in the thesis. Stravinsky’s technical and musical challenges are then explored in my original compositions through practicing and performing them. Thirdly, the whole practice process is put under a microscope and utilized for preparing compositions and orchestral parts. Furthermore, I will study the artistic and technical aspects of the musical material herein, and how it can be prepared optimally in terms of timing and the scope of preparation for performance and/or presentation. In my research I combine aspects of composition, practice process, and the history of the xylophone. The thesis is aimed primarily at university level students, but also at professional percussionists. The goal of the thesis is to provide effective and practical benefits to percussionists based on the thesis’ innovative approach to xylophone performance and the learning process.
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