Contours of Self: Meditations on Identity and the Act of Erasure
Haapamäki, Sofia (2023-09-06)
Haapamäki, Sofia
Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia
Maisterin opinnäytetyö
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
In this thesis, I explore our notion of self through a phenomenological approach by creating three different works: one interactive work consisting of a pen plotter and two paintings. During this process, I also reflect on my role as an artist in relation to my works and the challenges faced due to various material choices and their subsequent influence on my artistic practice.
This written component of my thesis work is organised into chapters, each addressing the main aspects of my artistic project, from the beginning of my initial ideas and inspirations to the culmination and impact of the final pieces.
This written component of my thesis work is organised into chapters, each addressing the main aspects of my artistic project, from the beginning of my initial ideas and inspirations to the culmination and impact of the final pieces.
- Kirjalliset opinnäytteet [1557]