Viitteet 11-20 / 83
Managing Intercultural Competence in International Theatre Co-productions : Case Mental Finland
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
An overall aim of this thesis is to examine intercultural management in the context of international co-productions of Finnish theaters. In more detail, the study will contribute to the knowledge of intercultural competence ...
Learning in cultural projects : case study of the outcomes of EU culture programme projects
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
The aim of this study is to describe the outcomes of cultural projects and the learning generated from the projects. The learning is explored through outcomes in EU Culture Programme projects.
The theoretical frame applied ...
Marketing music on the internet and within social media : how individual folk musicians can promote themselves with little money
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
In the field of folk music in Finland, there is a lack of managers and marketing professionals to help musicians. Folk musicians do their marketing alone alongside career building without the proper education or resources ...
Pieni kulttuuriorganisaatio oppivana organisaationa : case : elokuvafestivaali Vilimit, Kuopio
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Tutkimuksen kohteena on kuopiolainen, pitkänlinjan kulttuuriorganisaatio Vilimit-elokuvafestivaali, jota tarkastellaan oppivan organisaation viitekehyksessä. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, voiko pieni kulttuuriorganisaatio ...
Quantitative surveys vs. behavioural analysis studying audiences case : Espoo Ciné International Film Festival 2010
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella määrällisen tiedon ja kuluttajakäyttäytymistutkimuksen tulosten eroja sekä selvittää, kuinka eri lähestymistapoja voidaan hyödyntää ja kuinka festivaalit voivat hyötyä niistä. ...
Implementing cultural diversity in arts organisations : why and how to use intercultural networking
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This qualitative research provides ideas for art managers regarding why and how to include intercultural networking as part of the plan to implement cultural diversity on an organisational level.
Art organisations often ...
The Process of Branding a New Independent Popular Music Artist on Social Media
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
This thesis examines the process of creating a new popular artist brand on social media. In the past two decades the music industry has gone through major changes and new technologies have enabled artists to emancipate ...
Shared Leadership at Finnish Classical Music Festivals
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Most of the classical music festivals in Finland are led by a duo of leaders formed by an artistic director and a production director. Following the shared leadership model, leaders are responsible for their own functions, ...
Towards participation and creativity : a conceptual model for managing change in arts organizations
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
The shift towards knowledge society has allowed individuals to create, share, and connect with each other, increasing participation and social production models both in- and outside the dominant art worlds. In order to ...
Sparraamalla parempaa : tapaustutkimus sparraulsen vaikutuksesta kultuurijärjestönjen strategiaprosesseihin
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opinnäyte (maisteri)
Opinnäytetyön aiheena ovat suomalaisten kulttuurijärjestöjen strategiaprosessit. Lähtökohtana tutkimukselle on yhä yleistyvä kolmannen sektorin toimijoiden ammattimaistuminen ja toimintaympäristön muutosten myötä syntyneet ...