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Children as collaborators in music schools : Locating student voice in professional landscapes
(Routledge, 2024)
kirjan osaAlthough collaboration has dominated much of the educational discourse since the beginning of the twenty-first century, collaborative work is often undertaken for central stakeholders rather than with them. Despite efforts ... -
Education as a pharmakon : Action art as political pedagogic device for enacting radical democracy
(Routledge, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliBy considering the position of education as a pharmakon, highlighting its potential positive and negative effects on societies by its technical unfolding, the article proposes to explore the political and pedagogical role ... -
Osallistuminen taiteeseen ja kulttuuriin : elinikäinen oikeus vai velvollisuus?
lehtiartikkeli -
Producing a meaningful difference : The significance of small creative acts in composing within online participatory remix practices
(Intellect, 2015)
lehtiartikkeliOnline remix competitions focus strongly on community interaction, creative production and sharing, and can be seen as manifestations of an emergent musical participatory culture within which participants collectively ... -
Supporting Collaboration in Changing Cultural Landscapes : as an Arena for Creativity in ‘Kaleidoscopic Music’
(Routledge, 2014)
kirjan osaA steadily growing curiosity about informal music learning environments (e.g. Green, 2001; Johansson, 2004; Karlsen, 2010; Veblen, Messenger, Silverman, & Elliott, 2013), conjoined with a growing interest in online music ... -
Young people navigating musical lives : Considering arts participation as agency in cultural authorship
(Sage, 2023)
lehtiartikkeliThis study explores young people’s arts participation through music-making in Finland and the factors that may regulate that participation. It seeks to understand the construction of active modes of arts participation in ...